The Student Room Group

Feeling lonely in college


I just started my college course today, had a 3 hour Physics class and everyone in the class were to talking amongst themselves as if they've known each other forever. I was pretty much left to just mind my own business and keep my head down (guess thats not technically a bad thing in class:smile: ). However, I was left to do a practical on my own, and while I still managed to do well and in fact do better than the groups I still felt sort of I just wasn't part of the class.

I know you could say "Hey its only our first day, things will change" but it is a frequent thing with me. I'm a shy person, I'm not the kind of person who likes approaching a stranger and start a conversation with them (I'm not sure many people feel comfortable being on the recieving end of this either).

I'm not really looking for tips on how to start conversations with them because they all seem to have split off into their own tightly-knit groups already :s-smilie: Just really wanting to know if I'm the only one here that goes through this?

Anonymous for obvious reasons, don't want to make an awkward moment even moreso!:o:

Reply 1
My son in the same boat at a college. Everyone seems to know each other and he tries to make conversation but it is hard to break into conversations so he feels invisible. He is miserably lonely. It is horrible going to the canteen and being the only one not in a group talking so he goes to the library.
Reply 2
yeah i'm the same, i know exactly what you mean. not much advice i can give you here, but if it's any consolation.. join the club :biggrin:
Reply 3
Hello :smile:
I was lucky, most of my friends went to the same college has me, however I have been in similar situations. Like in certain classess back in school I had no friends what so ever. You see everyone talking to each other, making friends, being sociable and there's me, on my own (feeling like a loner!)
You're not alone, a lot of people go though this. Yes it was your first day, just try and talk to people, maybe join clubs. :smile:

Nah, Im a complete loner too, started college a few weeks back and got 1 "Hi" "Bye" friend, and he's a loner too. I mean, I dont even talk in class at all, not even joking. On average I say 30 words at average sixth form day. Do I care? No. Social entertaining is too much work for me and a drag, I pushed my year 7-10 mates away to be alone in year 11 after I grew up. I'll have a quiet library, book, computer please tyvm. And a reward of good grades.

But please dont be a loser like me lol, find friends.