The Student Room Group

Purchase of age restricted items while underage.

Anyone ever bought restricted items while underage?

I've got away with buying 18 cert DVDs (Im 17 though lol) but I've never really tried buying fags, booze or anything else.

Was hoping to hear of some funny experiences with this.

I've always been intrested in doing work for agencies where they hire young people to try purchase items such as these in order to see if the shop will ask for ID or whatever. Anyone ever volenteered for this?

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Reply 1
when i was 16, i got into a local club that was over 18s for females and over 21 for men, (i'd lost my i.d :wink: ) but most of the men were alot older, i ended up having a bloke following us everywhere (must of been late 20s early, 30s) at one point he was wating for us when we came out of the toilet :s-smilie:
it served me right to be honest and i didnt go clubbing again until i was 18 :biggrin: lol
Reply 2
I bought the odd drink underage.

We have sixth form socials and, before they got all strict, the cheap, underage boozer was the main feature.

I turned 18 yesterday, actually... I've bought drinks in two places since then and have been ID'd by neither. Massively disappointing, really - I wish I had've tried to buy more underage stuff, apparently it would've worked.
Reply 3
Got into films, bought DVDs, and alcohol underage. Never tried it in supermarkets, just corner shops and the like.

Also got sold Explicit Content CDs and posters, but I think they're just parentally guided.

Never tried for cigarettes; can't stand smoking.
I used to get served for cigarettes a lot.

I never tried for alcohol and was always getting kicked out of the cinema for being underage.

I actually enjoy being ID'd :smile:
Reply 5
Clubs and alcohol, I had a fake ID when they used to work. Turning 18 is great
Reply 6
it should be a lot more difficult for underage people to get into clubs. a few months ago, it was great how lax some places are but now that i'm 18 those little bitches piss me off to no end. go to a school disco or something. :mad: i'm so sick of society not changing to suit my current age profile.

anyway the age thing works both ways. does everyone reasonably young-looking try to get away with child tickets for trains and stuff? i plan on having married into money before i pay adult prices. €9 for a cinema ticket ffs! i'll take the €6 into the 12a and sneak into something decent tyvm. :yep:
Reply 7
been able to buy booze since I was 14
Drinking since I was 16, that's the one that springs to mind. Got my fingers burnt a few times, but it was definitely worth it. Had a mate who had a run in with the CID at the pub one night when he was underage, that wouldn't have been worth it!

Funniest experience was probably walking into a shop and walking out with the booze despite stumbling and giving out a date of birth that meant I was 17 (I was 16 at the time).
Reply 9
I got into a club about 6 times when I was 17, but with older people. Bought an 18 DVD when I was 17 and a 15 video when I was 14... never tried anything else though.
At our sixth form prom when I was 17, people who were 18 got wristbands or something like that, except the bartender was lousy and didn't check.
Let's just say I drink more than I've ever drank before or since and let's not go into details on what happened after because that was embarrasing lol
Reply 11
I bought the odd drink underage.

We have sixth form socials and, before they got all strict, the cheap, underage boozer was the main feature.

I turned 18 yesterday, actually... I've bought drinks in two places since then and have been ID'd by neither. Massively disappointing, really - I wish I had've tried to buy more underage stuff, apparently it would've worked.

Tell me about it! I went to four different places on my 18th birthday and did not get ID'd ONCE!
I once went into a cheap supermarket chain (coughsparcough) when I was 14. I'd had a sudden rush of courage and decided that I'd risk trying to buy some booze. It went like this;
Spar man "Have you got any ID?"
Me "Um. No."
"I can't serve you then"
"Can't you sell it me anyway?"
"Okay, but don't tell anyone you got it from here!"
He then proceeded to put the wine in a spar bag. Legend.

As for clubbing, went to my first one when I was 15, but then I do live in newcastle, so I was one of the oldest in there.
Reply 13
I use my provisional despite the fact that my date of birth doesnt make me 18:smile:

A lot of shop keepers care more about the money than my age..
Reply 14
Shopkeepers are too stingy and callous in this country to obey age restrictions.
Reply 15
lol there was this one shop i used to go in when i was 16 and every time the woman was like

"how old are you?"

me-"ummm 18?"

her-"are you sure??"

lool i was always tempted to say "actually, wait a minute i just remembered i'm actually 16" but i wanted the booze too much!!

now i'm 18 and it's awesome, end of story!!
Reply 16
Doesn't nearly everyone buy alcohol and go to pubs/clubs underage in this country?
Reply 17
I've always been interested in doing work for agencies where they hire young people to try purchase items such as these in order to see if the shop will ask for ID or whatever. Anyone ever volunteered for this?

i use to be apart of the met voluteer police cadets a few years back.. several time we assisted in catching those who sold kid's drinks underage.. i was pretty successful at it to be honest.. we varied from off licenses, pubs and bars..

i was terrified at doing it the first time.. i felt so guilt about getting them done but at the end of the day they're breaking the law.. simple as..

the worst bit had to be when they, on the rare occasion do as for ID, and you have to do 'the walk of shame' out of the pub with EVERYONE looking at you.. but.. it's a good thing.. if embarrassing.. :yep:

oor actually the other time i got served in the pub and they all decided to come out on the street and start hollering and shouting at us.. that wasn't that nice.. :s-smilie:

when i was 15 the officers wanted me to buy a knife from a guy who was known to sell knives to underage kids.. at the time you only had to be 16 to purchase one.. that had to be the coolest thing i'd done ! given £50 and told to try and buy the biggest knife possible for the least amount of money.. i went in hooked up to a recorder by myself (unlike the test purchasing for alcohol) and was stuck in there for about 20 mins while the guy tried to get me to buy everything under the sun.. i asked for a knife for D of E ha.. the most you can have on the street i believe is 2.5in (i think.. not sure.. :confused:) and i came out with one similar to one that 'rambo' (and i quote from the police officer) would use.. i was the talk of the station!!!! I had to make a statement and blah blah blah.. but in the end they couldn’t prosecute him as i was too close to being 16.. what’s that about ? at the end of the day i was still underage and therefore illegal..
that is one of many adventures i did with cadets.. :biggrin:
Reply 18
I sometimes get charged for a child ticket if I'm travelling by bus.. even though I'm 20. Not exactly under-age.. overage? haha :p:

i use to be apart of the met voluteer police cadets a few years back.. several time we assisted in catching those who sold kid's drinks underage.. i was pretty successful at it to be honest.. we varied from off licenses, pubs and bars..

i was terrified at doing it the first time.. i felt so guilt about getting them done but at the end of the day they're breaking the law.. simple as..

the worst bit had to be when they, on the rare occasion do as for ID, and you have to do 'the walk of shame' out of the pub with EVERYONE looking at you.. but.. it's a good thing.. if embarrassing.. :yep:

oor actually the other time i got served in the pub and they all decided to come out on the street and start hollering and shouting at us.. that wasn't that nice.. :s-smilie:

when i was 15 the officers wanted me to buy a knife from a guy who was known to sell knives to underage kids.. at the time you only had to be 16 to purchase one.. that had to be the coolest thing i'd done ! given £50 and told to try and buy the biggest knife possible for the least amount of money.. i went in hooked up to a recorder by myself (unlike the test purchasing for alcohol) and was stuck in there for about 20 mins while the guy tried to get me to buy everything under the sun.. i asked for a knife for D of E ha.. the most you can have on the street i believe is 2.5in (i think.. not sure.. :confused:) and i came out with one similar to one that 'rambo' (and i quote from the police officer) would use.. i was the talk of the station!!!! I had to make a statement and blah blah blah.. but in the end they couldn’t prosecute him as i was too close to being 16.. what’s that about ? at the end of the day i was still underage and therefore illegal..
that is one of many adventures i did with cadets.. :biggrin:

That sounds amazing!
Reply 19
I've managed to buy 18 DVDs when I was younger than 18, and see 18 rated films in a cinema. Sellers really aren't fussed. You can get them on the internet anyway.