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lol. some people have no idea how to tell how old someone is
i never got id'd for buy stuf for my mum like cigs untill i had actualy passed 16.... that was really weird
Reply 3
i got IDd for a scratch card and im 18..
Reply 4
Amazingly I had my passport in the car, so trooped off to get it and gave it to them, where she said 'We know you're really tall but you've got a young looking face'

Trying to work out if its a compliment or an insult to be honest.
Reply 5
i got IDd for a scratch card and im 18..

Yeh, I did almost go mental, just because I was astonished really, I haven't been ID'd in over a year and if I did it was for clubs/pubs and stuff where you have to be 18, not bloody 16!
Reply 6
I've done the lottery and i'm 15
Reply 7
The worst one is when you go out for your eighteenth birthday and get ID'd in every single pub or club you go into - never mind the fact you were in there last week! And you left your passport at home whilst uttering "I won't need that, I never get ID'ed...."
Reply 8
Heh I get ID'ed all the time.
What really takes the piss is I got my passport through today...I look older in my old one. I was 12...
Reply 9
I've done the lottery and i'm 15

oooh you rebel you.
Reply 10
I've done the lottery and i'm 15

I've done the lottery when I was like 12. :eek:

Well, OK, my mum did buy the ticket for me...
Reply 11
My friend got ID'd for tap water and she's 18 going on 19. The rest of us all found it pretty funny!
My friend got ID'd for tap water and she's 18 going on 19. The rest of us all found it pretty funny!

Was this in a pub?
Reply 13
one of my mates got kicked out of a pub that doesn't allow under 18's in, while i got served with just a coke and ever since then they think i'm 18, thats now 3 pubs he can't go into

and i look nothing like 18
Reply 14
got IDed a few weeks ago in a bar while out on a pub/bar crawl. ordered a jack and coke and got asked, i didnt understand lol, she had to ask twice. i gave her such an evil look too haha
the people that work in supermarkets, convenience stores etc seem to be a little retarded, and as such you shouldn't get too upset if you get ID'd. Normally barstaff have some commen sense, working in a bar, if the bouncers let them in its not my problem unless they are literally still in nappies, I wouldn't bother IDing them.
ive been able to get into clubs since i was 15.

half the bouncers don't judge it on how you look they judge it on how you act.

in shops... they usualy try and id every one who looks under 50... just in case
Reply 17
Just so you know...if you serve someone underage it is the person that serves you that will get fined. And it is not cheap.
The shop you work in usually won't be happy either. I had to ID anyone that looked under 21 when I was working.
Reply 18
the people that work in supermarkets, convenience stores etc seem to be a little retarded, and as such you shouldn't get too upset if you get ID'd.

Is that a fact?? You might want to rethink the above before someone REALLY rips in to you.

Reply 19
i got id'd in sainsburys last term. i started laughing til i realised the guy was serious. it was ridiculous though. i was buying wine for formal, wearing some college stash and paying with a credit card. under 18s don't buy wine, you have to be 18 to be at uni and have a credit card.

i also got id'd at weatherspoons and they wouldn't accept my cambridge id.

i always make a point of asking "well how old do you think i am then?"