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Reply 1
to go to the toilet yea - but walking back in with coffee is just a bit rude IMO. But to be honest you should go for a piss and get coffee before you go in
Yeah but it's really annoying! xx
Reply 3
Depends on size of lecture + where the doors are, most of mine were in massive lecture theaters with doors at front and back so if you sat somewhere towards the back you could do what you liked really.

But you shouldn't really need to for a 1 hour lecture, and for a 2 hour we often were given a 5 min mid way break anyways.
Reply 4
I never knew a 2 hour lecture when we didn't get a coffee break, less than 2 hours and you should bring one. I think I went to the loo once in the 2 hours when I was BURSTING! just left though, didn't ask
Reply 5
Yeah, you're allowed. But sit near the exit please.
Reply 6
It's only a 1-hour lecture, usually, so you're generally expected to have the courtesy to go beforehand/afterwards.

They don't try and stop you or anything, but it looks a bit rude, and is distracting for others.

In tutorials with 5-6 people, you would have to ask your lecturer for permission.
Reply 7
oh if you have a special need then tell the lecturer but it would be fine, and be sensible if you know you'll need the loo often then sit near the door and away from teh projector screen
Reply 8
if the lecture is long...but for a 50 minute lecture im sure you can get a coffee and go for a piss before or after
yeah ive walked out in the middle of lectures before lol
Do you have no control over your bladder? And as for coffee, why not just grab one before the lecture and take it with you?
Reply 11
Yeah providing you don't disturb anyone.:smile:
Reply 12
i did - felt rude though

but tbh my bladder is fecking useless - i have to pee every 2 hours when im drinking cofffee/water etc lol...

so id go.... but be quiet about it lol
Only once I've been bursting for the loo (Pepsi right beforehand wasn't a good idea) and I very nearly got up and left, but luck was on my side and the lecture finished 20 minutes early. :biggrin:
Reply 14
If you gotta go you gotta go.
Go before the lecture! They're only for an hour, and if it's a double lecture then there's usually a break in the middle for toilet/coffee.

If you know you need to leave the lecture early, then sit towards the back on an aisle. But I'd never go back into a lecture after I had left to be honest, it doubles the embarrassment. Can't imagine leaving early if I was sat towards the front in the middle of a row, that would be REALLY rude and embarrassing.
lol the bluntness of this " to go for a piss" is just hilarious... lol
but all deny it as you may it has crossed your mind toooo hehehehe
sit near the door.
what if you didn't need to go for a piss until the middle of the lecture