The Student Room Group

Its disguisting, doesn't she have any self respect, I cannot believe anyone would want to look like this!

It's the "sexy" pose that does it, isn't it...
Reply 2
Maybe she doesn't want to look like that? Maybe shes just learned to love what she has?
Reply 3
Yeah, I agree with imasillynarb...I know I wouldn't want to take a picture like that if I looked that way, but hey whatever floats your boat.
Reply 4
So why are people being harder on a 20st bodybuilder than a 20 stone fat slob?
Reply 5
I would rather be grotesquely fat than look like this:

I don't want to be a corpse before I'm clinically dead.
Reply 7
whatever. i'd tap that
Reply 8

Its disguisting, doesn't she have any self respect, I cannot believe anyone would want to look like this!

One man's poison is another man's meat.

Some people would find that sexy - beauty is only subjective after all.

(But yes, that is really disgusting. And yes, she's mad)
Reply 9
Evil Muffin
I would rather be grotesquely fat than look like this:

I don't want to be a corpse before I'm clinically dead.

You mean that guy was alive? :eek: :frown:
Don't really know where the photograph was taken from: if he was, probably not for much longer. Don't want to think about it :frown:
blergh on both accounts
Reply 12
in both cases, how can you let yourself get like that intentionally? and how can you ever think it's attractive? healthy is attractive!!

i always wonder about super fat and thin people. did they ever stop to think "ok, i'm 3 stone away from what my weight should be, perhaps i should lose/gain some weight"?
Reply 13
with these pics
I really love my body :biggrin:
Reply 14
........and that is why i haveto lose weight :eek: :frown:
Reply 15
So why are people being harder on a 20st bodybuilder than a 20 stone fat slob?

the bodybuilder purposely spent time,energy and lots of determination to look that f*cked up...not to mention how small his p*nis is from the steroids.....

....most fat women dont purposely try and look that do they?? and those who do at least had fun in doing it, by eating rather than spending hours at a gym to look like tht
Reply 16
in both cases, how can you let yourself get like that intentionally? and how can you ever think it's attractive? healthy is attractive!!

i always wonder about super fat and thin people. did they ever stop to think "ok, i'm 3 stone away from what my weight should be, perhaps i should lose/gain some weight"?

well if it was that easy to look at normal weight im sure everyone would do it..
Reply 17
in both cases, how can you let yourself get like that intentionally? and how can you ever think it's attractive? healthy is attractive!!

i always wonder about super fat and thin people. did they ever stop to think "ok, i'm 3 stone away from what my weight should be, perhaps i should lose/gain some weight"?

And what weight should they be exactly? And why should she (and the bodybuilder for the case) not be able to have those type of pictures tkaen of them if they want?
Reply 18
Evil Muffin
I would rather be grotesquely fat than look like this:

I don't want to be a corpse before I'm clinically dead.

:eek: He looks like an Auschwitz survivor.
healthy is attractive...

...not for me...technically i'm healthy...but to me i'm fat.

so basically to attain my desired body shape (to be thinner) i will have to be unhealthy

hence the fact stick-thin stars get criticism