The Student Room Group

I'm turning into a big fat heffer!


I just tried on my fave jeans I haven't worn for a few months and they barely do up. They're too tight to wear. They've always been tight but now it's unbearable. I have a ball two weeks yesterday, and my exams finish on Wednesday. How can I lose weight by then? I don't care how unhealthy it is, and it can start Wednesday.

I will have time for exercise starting Wednesday by the way.

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Reply 1
run. as much as you can. very fast. it's quite simple really, and it's the best way.

I just tried on my fave jeans I haven't worn for a few months and they barely do up. They're too tight to wear. They've always been tight but now it's unbearable. I have a ball two weeks yesterday, and my exams finish on Wednesday. How can I lose weight by then? I don't care how unhealthy it is, and it can start Wednesday.

I will have time for exercise starting Wednesday by the way.

Eat more fruit, do more excercise, go to a gym if possible, go for a morning jog every day. Just a few ideas out of many.
Eat less move more!!!! :smile:
Reply 4
run. as much as you can. very fast. it's quite simple really, and it's the best way.

you reckon an hour a day? i cant run that fast. like i said i'm fat :frown:

edit: i need to lose maybe 10lbs to look decent. is this possible in two weeks?
Reply 5
you reckon an hour a day? i cant run that fast. like i said i'm fat :frown:

edit: i need to lose maybe 10lbs to look decent. is this possible in two weeks?

I saw this article yesterday saying that 2 minutes of completely intense cycling on one of those cycling machines is just as effective as 2 hours. You're supposed to do it in 4 30 second bursts, where you cycle as fast as you possibly can then have a break before the next one...
Dunno how you can lose weight but I have same problem with some of my fav jeans and trousers, for past 4 days i have only been drinking water, had no crisps and only like 2 little chocolates(choc orange minisegs mmm)[I noramlly have 2packets of crisps a day and tons of chocolate and snacks) done 30mins exercise a day and tried to eat slightly more healthy (well not really) foods like shredded wheat instead of chocolate or sugary cereal, no kitkats etc and i have PUT ON WEIGHT its no fair, it really isn't. I feel more energetic though...
Reply 7
Healthy eating really,do not miss meals but try to eat properly and don't go mad or get excessively worried, you may have put on excess weight due to exam stress and the like, But keep calm and relaxed, make sure and keep hydrated and try and stay as active as possible. As long as your dress fits just enjoy the night.
Reply 8
Running makes your weight drop FAST. And drink a lot of water to dispel your waterweight. And avoid all empty calories.
Reply 9
Dunno how you can lose weight but I have same problem with some of my fav jeans and trousers, for past 4 days i have only been drinking water, had no crisps and only like 2 little chocolates(choc orange minisegs mmm)[I noramlly have 2packets of crisps a day and tons of chocolate and snacks) done 30mins exercise a day and tried to eat slightly more healthy (well not really) foods like shredded wheat instead of chocolate or sugary cereal, no kitkats etc and i have PUT ON WEIGHT its no fair, it really isn't. I feel more energetic though...

If you've been drinking quite a bit of water, then this extra weight is *probably* water weight, not actual weight. If you continue drinking a good amount of water, it'll soon start to drop off. It's just this initial phase in which the water stays on. It's just a matter of perseverance ;-)
Reply 10
10lb in two weeks is not reasonable. just go for a run before you eat breakfast, and limit your calories a lot.
Reply 11
You could probably lose about 1/2 stone in 2 weeks if you:

1. SERIOUSLY reduce your calorie intake (half it, at least)
2. Run and really push yourself. Go twice a day, early in the morning and on a evening.
3. Try to cut out bread and lots of carbs, don't have any treats whatsoever.
4. No alcohol (maybe the odd glass of red wine, thats it).
Reply 12
ok what size are you? cos if your 16 qnd over then your fat or if your like asize 12/14 then i will get angrey at you
Reply 13
Drink plenty of water this will decrease your appititie and you will be less likely to snack on anything.
Reply 14
you reckon an hour a day? i cant run that fast. like i said i'm fat :frown:

edit: i need to lose maybe 10lbs to look decent. is this possible in two weeks?

an hour a day would be good, though intensity is important, so, for some of that hour, literally sprint, don't just take it easy.

i'm impressed with your resolve, most people just take the approach of cutting out a few foods and a bit of walking. if you want to lose a decent amount of fat quickly, (and not just water weight and gastrointestinal bulk) then you need to run. 10lb in 2 weeks is probably possible.
Reply 15
i'm 19 and i'm 10-12 but i'm normally 8 and my balldress is a small size 10. hence need to lose weight or i wont fit into it and it's VVVVV expensive!!!!!

btw excess weight does NOT look good on me, like i'm 5"7 but any excess weight just makes me look really big and blobby. i can't carry it off at all. sorry to anyone who's bigger than me but please just trust me i don't look good! i think i have a small frame?
Reply 16
Whats the mad rush.
- Just up your exersise and it should come down over the next few months.

How much do you weigh anyway, and how tall are you?

Reply 17
i don't know how much i weigh. probably around 10st now (moo). i'm 5"7 and when i came to uni was about 8st 10 to 9st i think.

the mad rush is my may ball in just under 2 weeks.
Reply 18
Dont each much and exercise for as long as you can for 2 weeks, you'll lose about a stone probably.
Reply 19
i don't know how much i weigh. probably around 10st now (moo). i'm 5"7 and when i came to uni was about 8st 10 to 9st i think.

the mad rush is my may ball in just under 2 weeks.

Alright you're not gonna like this but i'll say it anyway. Atkins.

drink 8 LITRES OF WATER a day. This is important to wash out toxins that are produced from ketosis.

Eat LESS THAN 25G OF CARBS PER DAY. This is stupidly hard but if u really want it you 'll suffer for two weeks.

Go down the gym on the cross trainers.

Have a cheat day on wednesday after exams. Eat a burger, go to Cindy's then go back to being the better you the next day.

I wouldn't bother unless u really would feel better in yourself if you were that little bit slimmer.