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I've finished GCSEs now, but this was last year (lessons one hour long):
3 lessons for Maths
3 lessons for English
4 lessons for Science (had different teachers for the three, and there was a rotation system whereby you'd have two lessons of two for seven weeks, then one would swap and so on)
2 lessons for Option subjects (Music, languages, History etc.)
We had 3 hours for maths. 4 hours split between Eng lit and lang. 5 hours of sciences. 2 hours of music and 3 hours of languages per week.
Reply 3
Hey, just curious.

How many lessons/week do you have in

english lang AND/OR english lit
science OR physics, chemistry & biology
foreign language

and how long is one lesson?


maths : 3h
english lang AND/OR english lit : 4h
physics, chemistry & biology : 6h
music : 2h
foreign language: 2h

My school has a 2 week timetable, so over that course I have 8 hours of Maths (5 hours in one week and then 3 the next :s-smilie: ), 9 hours of Science - split evenly between Bio, Chem and Physics with 5 hours in one week and then 4 the next, 6 hours of English with 3 hours in each week and 5 hours overall for each option subject.
Reply 5
Hey, just curious.

How many lessons/week do you have in

english lang AND/OR english lit
science OR physics, chemistry & biology
foreign language

and how long is one lesson?


I had 3 Maths @ 1h15m
2 English @ 1h15m
6 Science @ 1h15 (2 for each science)
If i took music I would have had 2 @ 1h15m
Foreign Lang is 3 @ 1h15m

This year, they have 4 in Languages, 4 In maths and 3 in English.
Reply 6
maths: I have 3 maths lessons a week each 1 hour long.
english lang/lit: I have 3 lessons a week each 1 hour long.

science OR physics, chemistry & biology: Because I chose extra science as an option I have it 8 times a week, which last 1 hour but I have a 2 hour double lesson once a week.

music:I don't have music anymore.

foreign language: I have french 4 times a week each last 1 hour with a double lesson once a week.
Reply 7
The subjects you used were weird so...
How our timetabling works:
There are four blocks - A, B, C, D of ten lessons each. These four blocks are then split into two further blocks (AA, AB, BA etc). At GCSE (not sure about the rest of the school) Science takes up a whole block - no idea why, it just does so we have 10 lessons of that. Now I do 3 sciences so they're split up unevenly (Biology 3, Chemistry 4, Physics 3). Then we have Technology (you have to take one) and Maths sharing one block so each has 5 lessons. PE and English share a block, English has 6 lessons, PE has 4. And then the rest is just down to our options, and we get 5 for each.

Answered your question? ...oh and each lesson is an hour.
Each Lessons An Hour Long, And We Work On A Fortnightly Cycle

So English: 7 Lessons A Fortnight (It's Not Split Between Lang And Lit)
Maths: 6 Lessons A Fortnight
Science (Dual Award): 9 Lessons A Fortnight (3 For Each Science)
N.B. Triple Science Was An Option So It Would Be An Extra 5 Lessons A Fortnight (I Didn't Take It Though :p:)

Music: Again An Optional Subject (I Took It But Dropped It :p:) So 5 Lessons A Fortnight)
Languages: Again Was An Option So 5 Lessons A Fortnight
N.B. We Could Take An Extra Language After School (For Me French) Which Is 4 Lessons A Fortnight.

So If You Divide That By 2 (So For Just One Week)

English: 3.5 Hours A Week
Maths: 3 Hours A Week
Science (Dual): 4.5 Hours A Week (1.5 per Science)
Science (Triple): 7 Hours A Fortnight
Music, Languages: 2.5 Hours A Fortnight :p:

Hope That Answered Your Question A Bit :p:
Reply 9
When I did GCSEs we had a bit of a weird system of 35 minute lessons, but mostly they were doubles so an hour and ten.

Maths - 2h55
English - 2h55
Biology/Chemistry/Physics - 1h10 of each, then another 1h10 on rotation between the three.
Music - didn't take it, but people who did then I think 2h20?
Language - 2h10

My days the timetable was complicated back then. And no frees!
Reply 10
This will depend on the school or college. At my school, lessons were one hour in duration. Maths was allocated three lessons per week in both Year 10 and 11. English was taught as a combined course and most students were entered for both Language and Literature. We had three hours per week in Year 10 and 4 in Year 11. We also studied Double Award Science. Six periods were given in Year 10 and three in Year 11. This comprised of two for each 'subject' in the first year and one in the second year. Two periods per week in Year 10 and 3 in Year 11 were given for Languages and other option subjects (such as music).
maths 3 x 1 hr lessons
english lang AND/OR english lit 3 x 1hr Lessons
science OR physics, chemistry & biology 10 x 1 hr lessons per fornight so 3hrs for two of the sciences and 4 for the other
music 3 x 1hr lessons
foreign language 3 x 1hr lessons

The number of science and maths lessons at GCSE at my school has since gone up. I think it's 7 hours of maths per fortnight and it's 15 hours of science per fortnight if you're doing triple now.
Reply 12
I had:

Maths - 3 in Y10 and 11
English - 4 in Y10 and 3 in Y11
Science - 6 in Y10 and 3 in Y11 (Double Award)
French - 2 in Y10, 3 in Y11
Music - didn't take this but all option subjects had 2 in Y10 and 3 in Y11

All lessons 1-hour long.

2005 GCSE examinations
Reply 13
Each lesson is an hour long..

All for year 11..
Maths - 4
English - 3
Science - 7 (triple award)
German - 3
Graphics - 3
Humanities - 2
IT - 2
PE - 1
Our school timetable is split into two weeks.
So over the two weeks, i have ;
6 lessons of maths,
8 lessons of english,
10 lessons of science,
I don't do music,
and 5 lessons of french.
Our lessons are 1 hour long (:
I've done my GCSEs now but weekly, I had:

5 hours Science
3 hours English
3 hours Maths
2 hours RS
1 hour Welsh
3 hours of each option (3 options in total)
2 hours PE
Reply 16
Hey, just curious.

How many lessons/week do you have in

english lang AND/OR english lit
science OR physics, chemistry & biology
foreign language

and how long is one lesson?


I'm at University now, but:

Maths - 3 lessons per week in Year 10 and 11
English - 3 lessons in Y10 and 4 in Year 11
Science - 6 in Year 10 and 3 in Year 11
Music - 2 in Y10 and 3 in Y11
French - 2 in Y10 and 3 in Y11

I did not study Music, but the same pattern applied to all option subjects, as to Modern Languages. At myschool, all students were entered for Double Award Science. English and English Literature was taught as a combined course. This was in 2005.
Reply 18
Each lesson is 30 minutes at my school.

Maths: 5 Lessons
English: 6 Lessons
Biology, Chemistry and Physics: 4 Lessons for each Science
Spanish: 4 Lessons
Halves are because of a two week timetable:

Maths: 3 hours
English: 4.5 hours
Science: 4.5 hours total
Options (x3): 3 hours