The Student Room Group

What are your teeth like? Do you have any fillings or extractions or caps?

Tell me your tooth stories :p: I have a feeling I'm going to need a few bits done when I go to see the dentist this week and I am not looking forward to it :eek3: They look good and don't hurt but my gums sometimes bleed, which is due to diabetes and high blood sugar more than anything else.

Whats the worst thing you've ever had done?

Do you have nice teeth now as a result of getting work completed?

Or do you just have naturally perfect teeth?

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Reply 1
My teeth are uber-strong. I had to have my baby canines taken out to have braces many years ago, and the dentist really struggled to pull them out (they had seriously long roots) - so much so that she had to really lean back and grab hold of a bench to get the leverage :biggrin:

I had fixed braces for about 2 years, and they're nice and straight now, just wish they were whiter!
Reply 2
Never been to the dentist till recently, when I had my first tooth extraction. I will probably be needing another one; this time on the (my) left-hand side, as it's not a good tooth:no:
I've always had straight teeth, never needed braces,thank god, and all are white; just wish a couple were a bit whiter:p: But no caps/fillings.
Reply 3
The last time I went to the dentist, having looked after my teeth pretty well since I'd last seen him, he had a quick look and went 'Yeah, you'll need 3 fillings'. My teeth are just naturally really susceptible to cavities. It's not so bad though, my back 2 top teeth on either side are mostly filling, but you don't really see them. My front teeth aren't straight either, they were fine at that age where everyone gets braces and then they went wonky and I'm not sure what to do about it.

I'm not optimistic for the future of my teeth :no:

Just realised, all that wisdom teeth crap hasn't even started yet :frown:
I've never had any kind of surgery or procedure on my teeth and never had braces either. However I have tooth missing! I only have three front teeth (you have your two big teeth at the front, then two more incisors, then your canines - I'm missing the second incisor at one side), so I have a very unsymmetrical mouth.
Reply 5
All my back teeth have fillings, and one has a crown.
Reply 6
my teeth are really loose for some reason, probably because I didn't wear my retainer after I took off my braces.
Reply 7
Couple of fillings, but I have some bastard wisdom teeth coming through and am rather against going to the dentist.
I eat a crap load of sweets, fizzy drinks yet I have no cavities :biggrin:
Reply 9
Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly.
I eat a crap load of sweets, fizzy drinks yet I have no cavities :biggrin:

You think you eat a lot, but probably not so much relative to those who do have tooth cavities. :p:

Anyway, my teeth are good; haven't had a filling or anything in over 10 years.
I have a couple of fillings as I used to drink a lot of cola (one tooth has a filling in the top and a filling at the side!).

Other than that, perfect, and now I don't drink fizzies at all, no problems.
Reply 11
You think you eat a lot, but probably not so much relative to those who do have tooth cavities. :p:

Anyway, my teeth are good; haven't had a filling or anything in over 10 years.

I dunno, I eat practically no chocolate and sweets and drink soft drinks rarely, and I still get cavities.
You think you eat a lot, but probably not so much relative to those who do have tooth cavities. :p:

Anyway, my teeth are good; haven't had a filling or anything in over 10 years.

Hmm, I used to drink 3 cans of coke in one day...daily... :o:
I've had two teeth pulled for braces, which I wore for three years, three fillings, and I'm getting an implant put in and my wisdom teeth removed soon.
Reply 14
I had a lot of fillings in my baby teeth, because my Mum used to give me strong Ribena to drink from a young age.

My adult teeth have always been healthy, but I had fangs growing from my upper gum as a teenager, and had to go through 42 injections to have those removed because for some reason the injections just weren't working. In the end I gave up, said my mouth was numb, and faced the pain to get it over with. That's obviously the worst thing I've ever had done.
I had to have braces for years after that, and though they worked I've now got wisdom teeth which caused problems and moved all my teeth; but they're still in good condition.
Reply 15
4 Teeth out for my brace, and now they're pretty much perfect, no fillings etc etc
Mine are perfect-ish. Not looking, but I've never had anything wrong with them, ever.
Reply 17
I dunno, I eat practically no chocolate and sweets and drink soft drinks rarely, and I still get cavities.

Maybe the 'other' food you eat has the sugar and other substances which lead to those cavities? :dunno:
Reply 18
My teeth look alright but are bare sensitive and I've had quite a few fillings.
I had two baby teeth removed when I was younger because... I can't actually remember why, they weren't rotten or anything, there was some reason anyway :tongue:

Then I had two (white) fillings when I was 12. Braces for a bit, but couldn't be bothered with them anymore so got rid of them. Had to have FOUR teeth removed for braces too, because apparently my mouth was overcrowded.

Anyway now my teeth are reasonably white, and straight bar one slightly non straight tooth. Happy with them.