The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Hasn't this been done before?
Reply 2
Hasn't this been done before?

Possibly. If so sorry... :redface:
Reply 3
Just wondering what the norm was for most couples.

See the poll.

For the purposes of this if you include all hormone-altering methods (injection etc) under the label of The Pill.

mleh i'm on the injection but didn't want to out it down as the pill. cos it's so much better and much more reliable (i think if i was on the pill i would want to use condoms as well)

lou xxx
Reply 4
Hasn't this been done before?

Maybe it has - but I'm sure that new people have joined since the last one.
Reply 5
i just use the pill, only use condoms and pill if i'm on antibiotics!
Reply 6
lou p
mleh i'm on the injection but didn't want to out it down as the pill. cos it's so much better and much more reliable (i think if i was on the pill i would want to use condoms as well)

lou xxx

Statistically I'm not sure there's much difference as long as they're used properly (and it's really not hard to take the pill properly). Plus I don't like the thought of large bolus doses to last 3 months.
right now it's just condoms...but then i've only had sex 4 times. :redface:

mb when its gets more "regular"...i'll consider the pill as well. :rolleyes:
Reply 8
Just the Pill. I know it's recommended to use condoms as well but we find them kinda impractical.
Just condoms, I have other medication that means I can't take the Pill
Reply 10
I just use condoms, I'm too forgetful for the pill and scared of putting on weight and mood swings etc and the injection I'm scared of needles...
Reply 11
Double dutch all the way =)
Reply 12
Yeah.....condoms and injection although i am thinking about coming off the injection now
Why bother using condoms and the pill? If the pill is used properly isn't it basically 100% effective?
Reply 14
Why bother using condoms and the pill? If the pill is used properly isn't it basically 100% effective?

There can be complications with tummy bugs and things, it's worried me more than once...
Why bother using condoms and the pill? If the pill is used properly isn't it basically 100% effective?

99% + with perfect use.

And I just said why condoms are good with the pill:

extra peace of mind + no mess.
Reply 16
I was on the Pill but it didn't suit me so I came off it. So now I just use condoms
Reply 17
Why bother using condoms and the pill? If the pill is used properly isn't it basically 100% effective?

I use them 'cos of STIs. You can never be 100% sure that your partner hasn't got anything, unless you make them get tested each and every time before you have sex. I know it's a cynical way to look at things, but there's always the chance they're being unfiathful or whatever, and I value my health too much.
Reply 18
condoms are supposed to be 98.9% effective or something but they can and do split. Same goes for the pill and injection...there's always the chance.
i though condoms were 99.7% effective(3:1000 chance of pregnancy) and the pill was 99% efferctive (1:100 chance of pregnancy)

I've only had sex a few times(all with the same person) she's on the pill and we tried to use a condom once, but didn't like how it felt. we both found it de-sensitizing. as for mess, neither of us have qualms about cleaning each other up :p: