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Reply 1
oops UCAS sent me a email saying that there Similarity Detection Service have found similar sentence to mine !!. Does this mean i'm to be rejected ?? to all my offers

So long as that's all it is then I wouldn't worry about it tbh.
Reply 2
did you use someone elses personal statement you only get flagged if you copied or phrased someone elses personal statement?
Reply 3
I'd say it's inevitable given the number of applicants that some statements will share a similar sentence even though they've been written independently of each other, so I wouldn't worry. :smile:
Reply 4
Will my school hear about this ???
Reply 5
I thought they would only make a fuss if it was a certain % of your statement that was actually the same?

Are you sure about this OP? :cool:
if they've contacted you then it must be over what they would class as normal similarity
ring them up and ask them
did you copy or paraphrase?
you school will probibily know if its serious, if its not then they won't know
Reply 7
That is probably an automated reply. I believe that if something is flagged up then it is sent to a human to check whether it really does look like it is copied or is just a coincedence. This is probably what the email was, just telling you that it has been sent to someone to check.
from UCAS
Any statements showing a level of similarity of 10% or greater will be reviewed by members of the UCAS Similarity Detection Service team. HEIs will be notified of any cases where there are reasonable grounds for suspicion. Applicants will also be notified that the UCAS Similarity Detection Service has found that their personal statement merits investigation. The decision about what action, if any, to take regarding notified cases rests with the admissions tutors at individual HEIs.

HEIs are the unis applied to. Later it says

If Copycatch identifies a significant level of similarity in your personal statement and the Verification staff decide to inform the HEIs you have applied to, you will be notified by email, if you have a verified email address. This email will include instructions explaining how you can view the output of the detection program by using Track, including access to a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section giving advice and guidance.

The report sent to you is identical to the report sent to the institution. It will display your personal statement marked up to identify sentences similar to others in the Copycatch system. We use four colours (see below) to indicate significant matches with other statements and grey to show sentences which have not been found to match.

Within matched sentences, words in your sentence which are different from the one matched with it by the program are highlighted in black. Underlined black is used to show that the word is related but not identical.

What the sentence colours mean
Red is used for the sentences from the most matched statement.
Blue is used for the next best match if there are least 3 sentences.
Pink is used for the third best match if there are at least another 3 sentences.
Brown is used for any other matches if there are at least 3 sentences.

Grey is used for sentences for which no match has been found in the indexes and for very short sentences which don't get checked.

so it may be rather more serious than you're being led to believe by others on here.
Reply 9
what happens if you delete your UCAS account. Does it stop you from being reported
what happens if you delete your UCAS account. Does it stop you from being reported

Not after the event, no, of course not.
hm...sorry to butt in here.
A quick question:
UCAS says "Any statements showing a level of similarity of 10% or greater will be reviewed ", but is it from just one source or is it from every single PS for that subject?
i.e: will it show up if there is a 10%/greater similarity between you PS and 2 others combined, like 5% and 5% from each one.

I hope that makes sense :s-smilie:
hey heres the thing i used someone elses personal statement as a template.... changed it completely to suit me. thing is though everything that person wrote in such as voluntary work an going on conferences ive done to, so will i get in trouble by the ucas similarity detector if i submit my personal statement... i mean i have proof that ive done what ive said in my personal statement.
New Username
hm...sorry to butt in here.
A quick question:
UCAS says "Any statements showing a level of similarity of 10% or greater will be reviewed ", but is it from just one source or is it from every single PS for that subject?
i.e: will it show up if there is a 10%/greater similarity between you PS and 2 others combined, like 5% and 5% from each one.

I hope that makes sense :s-smilie:

It isn't the fact that you've said you're kind to children and animals as many others will have said, it is the fact that 10% of your sentences are identical in structure to others.
Reply 14
i have just applied to ucas and have a a similarity detection service email back saying 45% of my personal statment is similar or matches previouse submitted work!! the only confusing thing is that this really is my personal statmant. i wrote it in 2002 when i was going to apply to a nursing course only i changed my mind and applyed for a different course in the end, therefor submitted a different personal statment. i did however share the personal statment with friends on a sharing website because i felt i know longer needed it!! this was in 2002 but UCAS send it was from a statment used in 2008?

now i decided to do a nursing degree after completing my 1st degree i thought id dig out my old statment, amend it to what im doing now, update it and submitted it!! now this has happened!! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO???

im not stupid, iv bin through this process before with no problems, already done a degree so know all the rules around plagiarism yet they think id submit an application thats has been copied????

If you're suggesting it has flagged up your previous application you could try explaining that to them. If its from a statement you wrote, didn't submit and gave to your friends then I doubt they'll believe you to be honest!
i recieved an email saying that i had similar sentences to a previous personal statement that had been submited in december 2008, and on the same day i recieved and offer from one of the uni's i applied to, does this mean that i will still recieve offers from the other uni's ive applied to or will they reject my application?
The thing is my personal statement is all my own work, i dont know anyone that applied to uni in 2008, all of my friends are all around my age and ones that aint havent gone to uni as they had jobs. Soi dont understand how 12 lines of my personal statement can be similar to someone elses :/

Just hope the other unis give me offers, thanks anyways.
The thing is my personal statement is all my own work, i dont know anyone that applied to uni in 2008, all of my friends are all around my age and ones that aint havent gone to uni as they had jobs. Soi dont understand how 12 lines of my personal statement can be similar to someone elses :/

Just hope the other unis give me offers, thanks anyways.

It will be reviewed by a person at UCAS once it has been flagged (see post #9). If they decide that it is suspicious they will notify the universities but they will not automatically reject you. It is down to the discretion of the university what they do about it and they may each have different opinions on the matter.
Ahh alright, thanks :smile: Ill just wait and see what happens, thanks for your help and everything :smile: