The Student Room Group

Returning final signed form after student finance approval.

I finally got my final form requiring a signature along with the final assesment, it came with a self addressed envelope for Glasgow (green shaded area on corner), I promptly signed and posted the form in the envelope provided. We also received another letter from the SLC for my brother with another self addressed envelope included (yellow shaded area in the corner), as he was about to post it he realised it needed a stamp.

Now the thing is I didn't put a stamp on the first envelope I posted earlier which came with the final declaration form, I didn't really notice whether it also required a stamp or not as usually the self addressed envelopes from government agencies are pre-paid.

Does the self addressed envelope that comes with final declaration form require a stamp? I am so stressed now after all the waiting :frown:
Reply 1
oooopsy. Yep, you needed to stick a stamp on it.

I usually don't bother to check if postage is paid on official letters, I always top up and send them recorded delivery!!!

It will get there probably via pay forward.
Reply 2
Lol, can't get any worse :smile: well I don't know whether I trust student finance to pay the postage charge so will be calling them and asking for a confirmation of the address and sending another one just in case. Thanks for the reply.
Reply 3
Did you put a return address on the envelope?
Reply 4
I finally got my final form requiring a signature along with the final assesment, it came with a self addressed envelope for Glasgow (green shaded area on corner), I promptly signed and posted the form in the envelope provided. We also received another letter from the SLC for my brother with another self addressed envelope included (yellow shaded area in the corner), as he was about to post it he realised it needed a stamp.

Now the thing is I didn't put a stamp on the first envelope I posted earlier which came with the final declaration form, I didn't really notice whether it also required a stamp or not as usually the self addressed envelopes from government agencies are pre-paid.

Does the self addressed envelope that comes with final declaration form require a stamp? I am so stressed now after all the waiting :frown:

Do you know what the address was on the self-addressed envelope?
I got one of these months ago and for a couple of days I forgot about it until they sent another one saying "We haven't received your signiture..." or something along those lines. When I received that second one, I sent the first one off in the self-addressed envelope (I put a stamp on mine, definetly). It's been months and nothings advanced, so I think it got lost in the post :/ I have the second sheet that I can sign and date but I can't find the self-addressed envelope that came with it. So if you could please let me know what the address is, it would be very helpful :smile:
Reply 5
Did you put a return address on the envelope?

No, it was a printed envelope, didn't feel the need (yes.. the irony)

Do you know what the address was on the self-addressed envelope?
I got one of these months ago and for a couple of days I forgot about it until they sent another one saying "We haven't received your signiture..." or something along those lines. When I received that second one, I sent the first one off in the self-addressed envelope (I put a stamp on mine, definetly). It's been months and nothings advanced, so I think it got lost in the post :/ I have the second sheet that I can sign and date but I can't find the self-addressed envelope that came with it. So if you could please let me know what the address is, it would be very helpful :smile:

I was able to find it in this post :
Guys I didn't receive any final forms or anything that requires my signature on it. Just the approval letter and a self-addressed envelope. What should I do with this envelope??