The Student Room Group

Oil on Face

Hey guys and girls,

My problem is that in the summer, oil (or something?) usually builds up on my face and makes it somewhat shiny, making me look not very good. I always have to wash it off with water so my face is dry again, when I can wash it off I can feel the oil - very slimy stuff.
My skin looks so much better after the oil has been washed of with water as its dry, but the grease just comes back again after an hour.

My question is how do I get rid of this build up of oil and keep this 'dry' look, I do use a face wash if thats got something to do with it.

Also I've got lovely big spot next to my nose, I know I shouldn't burst it. It will take a week to go away but how do I stop it from scarring as such for a few weeks?

Reply 1
you can buy oil control moisturisers which stop oil from building up, also i think benefit cosmetics does this stuff called Dr Feelgood which is a balm that you put on your face and it absorbs oil. Plus you can get oil absorbing blotting paper, or powder. the list is endless!
Reply 2
for the oil you can use moisturisers that take away the shine, i use this 1 by clarins for men.. and this works great (forehead and nose was always shiny after a while, now clear all day long) i believe clinique also do a good 1.. 1 downside would be the cost (the 1 i use was £22 but it does last for ages and u only need a little bit at a time)..
Oil of Olay touch, for men and women. Brilliant.
Reply 4
Neutrogena do an excellent clear kind of gel called pore refining mattifier. It's clear and you only need a tiny bit and gives an instant matt look to your skin, and you can't tell it's there once it's on.

The blue clean and clear oil sheets are amazing too for when you're out and about and you feel oily. You just wipe them over your face, even if you have make up on and they will soak up the oil. I used to use these in the middle of parties where the heat had made me shiny.

I used to swear by these two products when my skin was oily. The Neutrogena was a bit expensive - maybe 12? But i still have the original tube i started with after aaages because you only ned a tiny bit. xx
uurr im just sick of my skin, i want a face transplant!

Its eternally spotty and greasy, ive tried diet change, different creams, lotions and potions etc..but it still looks rank.

Its really affected my confidence and generally depresses me
Reply 6
Try a mini detox - keep it plain and natural - chemicals and the like do very little for your skin, trying to remove it all simply induces your skin to produce more to replace what is lost.( Must admit some products are great!)
Reply 7
Cleanse twice a day and use oil absorbing papers. Boots or Superdrug should sell these. Eyeko make some that come in a cute little pink thingy. :smile:
Reply 8
Use a cleanser and toner especically for oily skin and apply them in circular motions to break down oil and grime and exfoliate the yucky dead skin away. I still suggest using moisturiser but use one for oily skin. The witch hazel one is good.

A good once a week treatment is cleansing and then steaming the face for about ten minutes. Then use some good pore strips to remove yuck from the pores and then apply a clay-based face mask.

Also in general, make sure you use oil free products and get a good healthy diet with lots of water. And like other people have said, get the oil absorbing blotting paper stuff which is handy to carry around with you :smile:
A good once a week treatment is cleansing and then steaming the face for about ten minutes. Then use some good pore strips to remove yuck from the pores and then apply a clay-based face mask.

Vixen! Wasn't that one of the characters in the old cbbc/citv animated drama The Animals of Farthing Wood? Anyhow, a little more detail please.

Cleansing involves...

Steaming - face above a sink of hot water?

Pore strips - recc brands? Just forehead/nose/chin?

Face mask - are clay-based ones the wash-off type?

Ta :rolleyes:
Reply 10
Vixen! Wasn't that one of the characters in the old cbbc/citv animated drama The Animals of Farthing Wood? Anyhow, a little more detail please.

Cleansing involves...

Steaming - face above a sink of hot water?

Pore strips - recc brands? Just forehead/nose/chin?

Face mask - are clay-based ones the wash-off type?

Ta :rolleyes:

Woah jeez I feel like I'm at school :frown: </3

Steaming - face above a bowl, towel over the head.

Pore strips - good brand is biore, do nose but forehead and chin if necessary

Clay based are indeed the wash off ones.
Reply 11
clay based ones are the wash off type.

Steaming involves holding your head over a bowl of boiling water with a towel round you to keep the steam in

and biore do good stips. xx
and "cleansing" itself - simply using cotton wool and dabbing on a cleanser?
Reply 13
you don't dab, you sort of rub it in in small circular motions starting at the bottom of your face and neck and moving upwards. xx
Reply 14
If you are indeed incredibly oily, then the only way to combat it is by cleansing your face with oil. This sounds strange, I know. I do not mean cooking oil or anything of the sort - there is a new Japanese blend especially designed for cleansing. It does not leave an oily residue, and all breakouts will considerably lessen after useage.
However, if anyone else on this thread is reading this, I reccommend that you only use the oil if you have extremely oily, over moisturised skin - otherwise it may be too rich.
Reply 15
Count yourself lucky! I bet the opposite is just as bad if not worse. I get really dry skin on my face sometimes and it hurrrrtsss :frown:
Reply 16
Count yourself lucky! I bet the opposite is just as bad if not worse. I get really dry skin on my face sometimes and it hurrrrtsss :frown:

Something coolo and soothing - a big wet soppy kiss.... :wink:
A moisturiser, something gentle, maybe your soap or whatever you use is too abrasive on your face.
Reply 17
Now I'm really confused everyone has said something different!

Can someone give me a link to what they mean by moisutiser and cleanser?

much appreciated!