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Comfort Eating :(

The stress has finally got to me
I am actually gonna fail an exam. I have never failed an exam before. I have an almost photographic memory, I find understanding concepts really easy and I am physically unable to NOT work. But somehow it has happened. I have to take a 2 hour exam tomorrow where not only do I only know enough to get low Cs on practice papers WITH my notes and NOT under timed conditions... but there is actually a risk I might not understand the questions. The two questions that I can choose between. Oh god

Last year, the stress made me stop eating. This year... I'm comfort eating. More and more. I might be sick soon. Oh god

Am I alone??? *sobs*
Reply 1
*Big Hugs*

I can guarantee I will be feeling like this on Sunday night.

I can go through phases of eating a lot, and I've found recently I'm always hungry. It's normal, and comfort eating is common during exams. You need something to get you through them and chocolate is always nice hehe.

As for the exam, even if you do fail (which I'm sure you won't) it is only one module. And if I remember correctly you're already on pretty good grades as it is (I remember you replying to my thread a while back).

If the exam doesn't go well, then you can't do anything about it. But what you can do tomorrow is try your best. You may do better than you think. Just work really hard for your others, and I'm sure you will be okay.

I know how you feel, exams suck, but look ahead to the long summer and uni.

Good luck x
Reply 2
ur not alone! hmmm...*have to go get chocolate..* due to the fact that i have an economics exam tomoro and i hate exams!! and economics actually..
Reply 3
Have a nice big bowl of packet mash with melted cheese slices on top. It will make all your problems go away!
A low C or a D is a pass. But I imagine you are like me and think anything below a B is embaressing.

Dont worry about it. You will be surprised at how much better things will come to you in the exam. PMA is always important whenit comes to doing well. Positive Mental Attitude.
Reply 5
OMG...i feel the same...It's like I'm over stressed and just a minute ago I went to mom and told her I wish I was's really like the thing when you feel you are ready and not being able to solve simple question and then feel that everything in your brain is blocked...the other day I wasn't able to remember robert dinegro's name :eek:
Reply 6
I do that all the time, I put on a stone during my Standard Grades, but then the summer comes and it all drops off.
Reply 7
The stress has finally got to me
I am actually gonna fail an exam. I have never failed an exam before. I have an almost photographic memory, I find understanding concepts really easy and I am physically unable to NOT work. But somehow it has happened. I have to take a 2 hour exam tomorrow where not only do I only know enough to get low Cs on practice papers WITH my notes and NOT under timed conditions... but there is actually a risk I might not understand the questions. The two questions that I can choose between. Oh god

Last year, the stress made me stop eating. This year... I'm comfort eating. More and more. I might be sick soon. Oh god

Am I alone??? *sobs*

first thing, do NOT panic + PUT DOWN YOUR FOOD! you have an offer from oxford, and they don't give offers to stupid people who cannot make them. you ARE capable. you can do it. you beat many other excellent candidates - they gave YOU the offer because YOU are what they are looking for!

i know it's not really the same, but for all my practise maths papers for GCSE i came out with Cs. the only A* i ever got was in the actual exam. comfort eating was something i did last year as well, and i suppose it's better than not eating at all - you need to find a balance. don't worry too much yet though, do whatever it takes to get you through exams and don't waste time by beating yourself up over it. you only have till the end of this month and then you can get your eating back on track. you may put on some weight, but a lot of people do over exams. you have a whole summer to lose it! some regular daily excercise, say going on a run/jog for 20 minutes could be very beneficial. not only will it rev up your metabolism (for the rest of the day if you do it early in the morning) so that you can burn the extra calories you're consuming - you may also make yourself less prone to comfort eating as you won't want to ruin you're good work. it will also help you to relax and forget about work for a while.

good luck. you CAN do it.

Reply 8
Mmm actually that's probably why I lost so much weight last year... I used to run every morning... quite tempting to go running now to calm down. Last year i found that really worked... a run every morning to destress me :p:
Reply 9
yeah I've let myself go with my eating.. had three pop tarts and two chocolate bars and a mcdonalds today... eughhh

but itll all be over soon. just make sure you get a good nights sleep, do the best you can and dont be unhappy with it!
i'm getting really stressed at the moment, i sort of have stress fits, where i feel like crying and then hitting someone and i seriously dont think i could cope without food (atlthoug i cant have choclate casue i'm allergic to dairy) haribo are good!
Reply 11
I'm exactly the same, when I feel particularly crap I go into a sit-infront-of-a-girly-film-and-eat-choc-all-day mode, and sit there thinking well so what if i get fat from it all life sucks :P
Reply 12
i just finshed a packet of minstrels
Reply 13
The hair straightening sounds great :p: Unfortunately I'm halfway through moving cross country so I'm in a house with no furniture let alone hair straighteners!!

At least I've progressed to comfort eating fruit ... which has gotta be better than chicken nuggets or pringles!!
Reply 14
Maybe I'm just weird but when I am stressed or upset, I do the opposite, not eat and no c word either. :eek: