The Student Room Group

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Reply 2
Reply 3
What are you on about?
Reply 4
10 squid
Reply 6
wtf? :indiff:
Reply 7
If you mean can you pay to see your references, then yes. If the school won't let you see them, you can pay UCAS to show you them (not sure if it's something to do with freedom of information)
Yep you can, i'm an administrator for the department. Just PM me your bank details and we'll sort you out with a 100% offer guaranteed reference.
News just in: You lie!
Reply 10
Legally, your teachers must also show them to you :smile: Just ask them.
Reply 11
If thats true, and they only keep applications for three years, then you could somebodies 4 year old personal statement to get in?
Reply 12
If thats true, and they only keep applications for three years, then you could somebodies 4 year old personal statement to get in?
I would suggest that the database used by the plagiarism checker contains far more than the last four years worth of statements, they'll just be anonymised.
Why would I spent £10 to read about how fantastic I am when I already know it myself?
Why would I spent £10 to read about how fantastic I am when I already know it myself?

Cos it wud be nice to read about urself
Yes you can.
Legally, your teachers must also show them to you :smile: Just ask them.

This is utter total rubbish.
You have no legal right to see a reference from the referee.
You do have a right to see it via UCAS because of the Data Protection Act.
Reply 17
This is utter total rubbish.
You have no legal right to see a reference from the referee.
You do have a right to see it via UCAS because of the Data Protection Act.

Actually, we had admissions tutors from Manchester + Liverpool unis at our college who told us this, after our head said to everyone they can't see it.

I'd put what they say way above what you think you know.

Trust me OP, they have a legal obligation to show it to you IF YOU ASK THEM, if not, they don't have to.
Actually, we had admissions tutors from Manchester + Liverpool unis at our college who told us this, after our head said to everyone they can't see it.

I'd put what they say way above what you think you know.

Trust me OP, they have a legal obligation to show it to you IF YOU ASK THEM, if not, they don't have to.

Teacher said it's not allowed ;S
Reply 19
Teacher said it's not allowed ;S

They're lying.

Probably it's a bad reference and they don't want you to see it and get angry (Maybe not bad, but they haven't included everything you'd want), or they haven't done it yet.....

Note that you can only see if BEFORE they send off your UCAS, after that you'll have to pay UCAS.