The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have the same problem....but I'm finding it difficult to sleep at the moment even if I haven't got an exam the next day. I'm so tired. :frown:
Reply 2
I wish I could help but the night before my mind was abuzz and I really could not sleep at all. I could only suggest winding down and completely relaxing 2/3 hours before you sleep or intend to sleep. Instead of straight from revision or even an hour on the pc. =0)
Reply 3
Yeah same. A lot of people feel hyper the day before the exam. It's because your mind is over active and your been cramming all that info in, + Your worried.

If possible, try to have a late sleep in the day before, then it doesn;t matter if you sleep late because you would have had a lotta sleep the day before. Works for me. I usually fall asleep at round 2.00AM. :rolleyes:
I'm having the same problems. Some ideas:
- Put some lavender oil on your pillow to help you relax
- The evening before the exam wear yourself out with a long walk or a game of squash or anything else energetic- it should help clear your mind and help you sleep
- A warm non-caffeinated drink before bed- I know some people like to have hot milk and honey or ovaltine.
- Eating celery before bed is supposed to aid sleep. I don't know if it works or not.
- Doing things like watching TV or staring at a computer screen is supposed to stop you sleeping so don't do either too close to bedtime.
- Try listening to some relaxing music- When I'm really desperate to sleep I put on Elgar's third Symphony (finished by some other guy) which is so boring I'm sure it helps!!
Good luck! xxx
Reply 5
The only thing I can think of is try to meditate to clear your mind a bit. My lack of sleep has just started hitting and it is really frustrating. Although I do just get back up and revise more. Not helping in getting back to sleep but hey I might learn more stuff.
Reply 6
Funnily enough I hadn't noticed this problem - til last night! I've had amazing ability with staying up this exam term and I work through the night cus I don't work in the day and end up sleeping at 6am or only when I cannot stand it anymore. So I have pretty much no problems with sleep cus by the time I try, I'm so knackered anyway. But last night as I was about to sleep someone texted me, and after a while I was just completely awake - and ended up lying in bed for some 2 hours, not feeling sleepy at all, but with my eyes closed and they were obviously very heavy... :confused: :redface:

I'm just scared I won't be able to go back to sleeping normally - cus I've been sleeping between 4am-7am this past two weeks :eek: voluntarily, but still.

Put some music on - soothing music helps :smile: Relax yourself beforehand - take a bath, read a book - get your mind OFF of exams. Watch a comedy and laugh - if you wanna, have a good cry and let the stress out. I usually get very very sleepy and tired after I've had a good cry :redface: drains you, but does you a lot of good, I've found.
Reply 7
My mum got me some homeopathic drugs for it as they relax you and aid sleep I think. Just help take your mind off exams. Give 01892 536393 or 01892 537254 a call (The Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy.) It was like £6.20 for about a millions pills (tiny little spheres in a tiny bottle). They are quite good so may be worth a try. My cousin and a few other friends think it's a brilliant thing so it's probably worth a try.

I realise I am writing addresses and phone number on here. Sorry if it impedes on any TSR rules and I'll delete this post (or you can delete it) if there are troubles. Actually, edit it instead telling people to give me a message if they want to find out more information because it would be a shame for people to miss out on this possible option.
Reply 8
one night during my exams i didnt get to sleep until quarter to 5 and it was so frustrating!! :argh: The next night i drank herbal tea and it really helped me to sleep. :sleep: :sleep:
Reply 9
are you often revising *right up* until you go to sleep? because that's not awfully good for you. Ideally you want to be shutting off at least an hour before bed and doing something totally mindless.

Do you like warm milk? that's awesome for dropping off to sleep.mmm.

...with rum...sleep like a baby...
Put some lavender oil on your pillow to help you relax

or chloroform
Reply 11
I've been having the same problem - at first, I'd sit up and try to revise, because that usually wears me out (!) but it's stopped working and over the past few weeks I've found myself lying awake until 3-4am. The panic at the thought of not being able to sleep and failing exams didn't help either! What I did was I set my alarm clock for later that morning, so I got maybe three hours sleep, then got up and made sure I didn't stop until 11 (this was in a non-exam week, btw!). I was able to fall asleep within 30 mins, so it seemed to work and am trying to keep it up now.

Good luck!
ok here it is..I find it really hard to sleep the night before my exam and I dont sleep early usually but the last exam i suffered and tried to sleep so hard but faild so any tips to make it I can sleep easily with out worrying I know it's due to stress but any help :frown:

well, what I do, is just not allow myself to think about the exam the next day. I just make sure that my subconscious doesn't think about exams, but just treats the night as a normal one - I generally don't let myself "realise" that there's exam until we park outside the exam centre...
Reply 13
I had my first exam this morning, it was OK but I was admittedly absolutely knackered. I couldn't sleep last night, mostly because I hadn't managed to revise all the syllabus (thank God the stuff I didn't revise didn't come up!). Still, I am gonna try and get more sleep before my other exams by having a hot bath about an hour before bed the night before and totally chilling out.
Reply 14
I'd really recommend exercise during the day, it wears you out! It's also good to try and get into a good routine before the exam, e.g. getting up at 7.30 bed at 11 or sommat like tht then ur body clocks used to it! Also stop revising a wee while before bed, and a bath is supposed to make u drop off quicker due to fall in body temperature or sommat!
Reply 15
ok here it is..I find it really hard to sleep the night before my exam and I dont sleep early usually but the last exam i suffered and tried to sleep so hard but faild so any tips to make it I can sleep easily with out worrying I know it's due to stress but any help :frown:

wow i had the same thing last night. tried to sleep at 11, ended up not sleeping til 2 or 3 and hence not being able to get up early and revise. stop revising an hour before you go to bed. chill out and have a hot chocolate. if you cant sleep, have a sleeping pill or a relaxant.
ok here it is..I find it really hard to sleep the night before my exam and I dont sleep early usually but the last exam i suffered and tried to sleep so hard but faild so any tips to make it I can sleep easily with out worrying I know it's due to stress but any help :frown:

u tried Kalms? i took em the night before my drivin test coz i couldnt sleep and they really helped. they'll help u to fall asleep quickly but u'll still be able to get up in the morning. if not, perhaps try taking pro plus in the morning to keep u awake!