the fact that you've 'recovered' from anorexia is really great, and something to be proud of. and although the term recovery is a bit of a vague one, any kind of progress like the type your talking about is really fantastic and with that kind of will power and achievement, you can have more confidence in getting over other things.
the thing about thinking you'll become a "fat heffa" is probably the normal way to think when you're eating more food than you might have done for a while, but you need to remember that becoming so big that you're obese would depend on either a genetic thing which means it's hard to avoid, or eating literally tonnes and tonnes and tonnes. there's nothing wrong at all with eating lots. if it's junk, i'd assume that because it's not as fresh, nutritious etc as other food (like fruit which u were used to), it might be more of a mental thing which makes it unappealing.
a balanced diet is the key: there's no point in ruling out junkfood because having it every now and then, even every day is absolutely fine. when binge eating, it's almost always inbetween meal times, so it can be important to have a good structure where you eat a decent sized breakfast, a good lunch and dinner; each big enough so that you don't replace post-meal hunger by over-snacking or binging. eating inbetween meals shouldn't be a problem, however. it just depends on what you eat; things like fruit/vegetables (with a dip of something?!), or anything really that isn't too junky and artificial. whatever plan you take, it will probably take a while to get used to or settle into, but from how far you've come already, it really looks like you can get over any other hurdles that come in your way.