The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
ok, so i know several people have recieved their accomodation over the last few days, but only people going to New Hall! Has anyone got accomodation from another hall?! hopefully the rest of us find out soon!!!! :biggrin: what hall does everyone want? i'm hoping for hamilton, mcintosh or sallies!

yeah i really want to know but people with conditionals don't get to find out for aaaages... :frown: i'd like to be in sallies too!
Reply 2
yeah i really want to know but people with conditionals don't get to find out for aaaages... :frown: i'd like to be in sallies too!

Hey all just thought I'd say I got my letter through today - I'm In McIntosh! Woo! I didnt think I'd find out for ages.
Reply 3
hey a wee update for y'all now, i heard (a while ago actually lol) that i'm in uni hall! rooming with the person i asked to room with, which is great!!! :biggrin:
any other uni hall people out there?
Hey, Ive got a conditional offer so im still waiting to find out! I dont think they assign us to a hall until they have our results....bring on august! I rly wanna be in sallies, mcintosh or hamilton.....rly rly rly rly dont want andrew melville!.....knowin my luck ill get put in there now ive sed that! hehe
Reply 5
I applied to theJohn Burnet Hall the Annexe bit as I wanted to be able to haev en-suite and look liek pretty hall :-s hoep it is nice
Hope get a nice room.
What have you all applied for?
Reply 6
Im hoping for New Hall
Reply 7
hey skeve! :hello: didn't know you haunted these boards as well :-P (still prefer NS though....shhhhhhhhhh!)
Reply 8
Hehe hey katie!! How are ya doin?
Thought you were a different Katie!
24 days to go, eeeek. You all set?
Reply 9
They emailed me and said that we should be receiving our contracts in the post this week :smile:
Reply 10
:biggrin: Got my accommodation today!!!! David Russel Apartments in Scotts. Is anyone else in this block. Would have prefered New Hall as slightly cheaper but at least I now have TV and double bed!!!!! Hopefully you will all gets yours soon just a matter of waiting.
Reply 11
new hall has double bed and tv too!
And yeah I want mine asap! Deifnitely getting it this week, sooner rather than later cause i need to sort out finances.
I know a couple of people going to DRA. Infact theres a party there on the first night in my friend Jamie's room :biggrin:
Hey i got my accommodation stuff this in university hall :biggrin: well pleased! Anyone else on here gonna b in university hall?
Reply 13
Hey i got my accommodation stuff this in university hall :biggrin: well pleased! Anyone else on here gonna b in university hall?

yep!!!! what room are you? i'm E13 :biggrin: uni hall looks AMAZING!!! have you had a look at the freshers week events timetable on the website?
Reply 14
Im in New hall room 3099
Reply 15
hey, I am in uni hall as well room A8
Reply 16
hey, i phoned and apparently i'm in St.Salvators :smile: still waiting to find out which room though..
Reply 17
I'm in New Hall too! Room 3093 - so quite close to you, Skeve.

Hmmm.. on reflection, that sounded a little stalkerish. Never fear, I hear the locks on the doors there are rather good! :wink:
Reply 18
I got New Hall too but I want an old building :frown: however the room does look really nice which is a plus :smile: and DOUBLE BED WOOHOO!!!! :biggrin: hehe
Reply 19
I got New Hall too but I want an old building :frown: however the room does look really nice which is a plus :smile: and DOUBLE BED WOOHOO!!!! :biggrin: hehe

Im in New Hall to, same thing, I wanted an old building, do we get them in later years or something, is it true we get double beds! who else is going catered. Im in room 3010A, anyone nearabouts, lol :smile: