Mine hasn't. I tried phoning them, but I was confronted with answerphone after answerphone if....you...want...help....press.....1234234523423452356236q
My cousin was in the paper about this Apparently my aunt kicked up a fuss and those at her sixth form can just use the old one until the new one comes? I don't really know much about the system, though, so that may be wrong or just for her school.
hey, guys, my card expired and it still works - as in I still manage to use the buses without having to top up.....is this normal? are we still allowed to use buses for free with old oyster cards?
i don't thats normal it doesn't sound right and because of the 16-18 card is only aimed for 6th formers/college students its best if you ring Oyster (tfl) to check to see if its legal to use.