The Student Room Group
chin up, it will come soon
when did you apply for it?
Reply 2
9 days ago :frown: I've had to pay to get to 6thform and to work.. it's cost me so much!! :frown: I NEED that card :frown:
Reply 3
Mine came y'day but now have to wait 3 days for a new one to come as my details were wrong :frown:
It will come soon, don't worry. There was a postal strike so they didn't receive some till late. :smile:
Reply 5
I miss having 16+ oyster card so much :frown:
I sent mine off 3 weeks ago and I rang them up the other day only to find out it hadn't even been received. :frown:

And to top it off I topped up with 5 quid on the day they officially announced we were still allowed to use the buses for free :frown:
Reply 7
mine came 2 weeks after sending
Reply 8
Mine hasn't. I tried phoning them, but I was confronted with answerphone after answerphone :frown:
Reply 9
Still waiting too...
My cousin was in the paper about this :p: Apparently my aunt kicked up a fuss and those at her sixth form can just use the old one until the new one comes? I don't really know much about the system, though, so that may be wrong or just for her school.
Reply 11
Postal strike innit.
If you only sent it 9 days ago then of course it hasnt come - I sent mine 3 weeks ago and only got it yesterday lol
Reply 13
Yeah don't worry you only sent yours 9 days ago, i sent mine off 2 weeks ago and it finally came today :biggrin:
Reply 14
Can i send my form off ? or is it too late ?
Keep your chin up, it's probably sitting the post office waiting to go.
Reply 16
hey, guys, my card expired and it still works - as in I still manage to use the buses without having
to top this normal? are we still allowed to use buses for free with old oyster cards?
i don't thats normal it doesn't sound right and because of the 16-18 card is only aimed for 6th formers/college students its best if you ring Oyster (tfl) to check to see if its legal to use.
You can use the buses for free still if you show your old oyster :smile:
Reply 19
Got a question here. My 16+ Oystet expires at the end of September, my 18+ student arrived today can I still use my 16+ till its expired date?