I reiterate my stance; Exeter, but Liverpool is by no means far inferior mind you. Yes, you might argue Liverpool being more traditional, red-brick etc, but they still lag behind universities like Manchester and Birmingham in that sense for law. Also, being in the Russell Group does not mean that it is in the top 20 or so universities in the UK. It is a misconception; The RG is a group listing the largest research-intensive universities. By comparison, if you look at league tables in general, you may find more 1994 Group universities, like Exeter, Leicester in the top 20. As far as I am concerned, Exeter has a solid reputation and is pretty well regarded in law. If you asked me personally, I would opt for Exeter. The City of Liverpool being more "prestigious" is open to debate. To each his own and some might like the peaceful and picture-esque campus of Exeter, especially the Cornwall campus. Hope that answers your query.