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i found it easy
Reply 2
Much easier and straightforward than Physical paper...although I was briefly thrown by the urban zone question...I put inner city what did everyone else put?
Reply 3
Very very easy...I was doing foundation tier though :frown:
i thought it was easy,
[the urban zone question]
i put inner city too, hoping its right :smile:
i found it really hard because the questions were so vague, especially on population and managing resources.
i also found the questions hard (they were so vague!)... but it wasnt too bad overall... i put fish farming, forestry and mining in the last quesion...
Reply 7
Geography-How did you find it?
(Resists temptation to say "I used a map") :eek:
Reply 8
I thought it was ok-ish - i didn't like the question on iceland in managing resources, nor the one about what is an urban zone ( i mean i knew it, but i had no idea how to explain it!) - would have liked more case studies tho :frown: easy marks they are :smile:
steven gerrard is overrated, technically poor, cant keep the ball. how will england win a world cup when against the likes of brazil, spain, portugal, argentina etc gerrard and flumps will fail to keep the ball, they dont have the ability. go to the sfx website, and see how motd, sky, the sun etc hype players...
Reply 10
BadlikeYaz buff
steven gerrard is overrated, technically poor, cant keep the ball. how will england win a world cup when against the likes of brazil, spain, portugal, argentina etc gerrard and flumps will fail to keep the ball, they dont have the ability. go to the sfx website, and see how motd, sky, the sun etc hype players...

thats amazin, how we get from aqa geography to stevie gerrard????

i prefered paper 1, paper 2 is way too vague!!! messed up the one describe why a place is a tourist attraction!
I did mine on CCEA, and I found both papers pretty OK, although I think Paper 2 was easier than Paper 1. Some questions on the second were shockingly easy!
mr fly
thats amazin, how we get from aqa geography to stevie gerrard????

i was speakin to the guy with the hoofer gerrards picture, its true, and the guy next to this looks like 'arry potter...
AQA Spec A was OK-ish. The question wording was very bad though - very vague!

I think the boundaries will be less TBH, because if you look at last years paper, it had to-the-point technical questions unlike this year, where loads of people seem to have interpreted different questions differently!
Reply 14
iceland in managing resources, nor the one about what is an urban zone

Iceland?! There was no question on Iceland in the managing resources section! I thought it was Ok, considering I'd done no revision, I think I did better on the Physical paper though, even though I'm normally better at Human. I didn't like the Settlement questions, I put Inner City/Zone of Transition too. But at first I didn't know what the feck it meant by "urban zone"! lol. Twas ok. I liked the Urban Sprawl question. :biggrin:
Reply 15
i do AQA spec C. i think questions were ****, because they were sneaky. I didnt understand what exactly they wanted from and there were 9 mark questions. Idiotic ones. Too much to remember and to write.
Reply 16
that was easssssssy i did spec A higher teir,did q's one,four and six?umm ths population/industry and ermmmm wt else was it?lol ive forgotten now!ahh development!found it pretty easy except from the random to hell question about tropical development!

Reply 17
I thought the exam was easy - but i thought the physical to be more straightforward, and far simpler than this one.

Hopefully most of us are on the "A* train"! (to quote my rather 'eccentric' geography teacher)
Reply 18
I dont know what exam I did but I did Q2 about Managing Hazards and Q3 about Managing Tourism - I found it okay but my teacher came and leaned over me when I had 5 mins to go but hadnt done the last 8 mark question yet :mad:
I liked the MEDC tourism question, give an example. I just rolled off 3 paragraphs about Bowness-on-Windemer that I learnt 2 mins before the exam started! Lucky! :smile: