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Reply 1
Why am I not surprised this is the field you're interested in? :wink:
Reply 2
hey i am curious too.Btw ramoff u r the founder of the angelina jolie club rite=)where are u studying?
Reply 3
Why am I not surprised this is the field you're interested in? :wink:

Need a way to pay for the mansions yachts and luxury cars dude :wink: What field are you doing?

ey i am curious too.Btw ramoff u r the founder of the angelina jolie club rite=)where are u studying?

I'm co founder of the Angelina Jolie club, but I'm founder of the TSR Southern Soc and the TSR Lesbian Soc :wink:
Reply 4
Hmm why top 10? There is no top 10, and the subjective views of people's top 10 is not important. The 'G5's are the only ones that are more constant, in terms of league table positions.
Reply 5
G5?? what does that mean, Wolf?
and I chose top 10 so that i have enough to put on my UCAS application.
Reply 6
Refers to Oxbridge/Imperial College/LSE/UCL they're given more funding than other Unis, and are in the top 5/6 pretty much every year in most league tables.
Reply 7

What's the best course to study if you want to become an IB, anyway? Economics, actuarial sciences, etc?

I was considering taking the Law and Accountancy LLB at Edinburgh, but as far as I'm aware it's one of the most competitive courses at the university.
Reply 8
If you're doing law that would be perfect, I could manage your portfolio for you :wink:

For IB doing Economics with something else is good, e.g. Econ + Maths (most popular choice) or Econ and Finance etc
but its really important to get as much work experience done as possible, starting even now if you can.
Having asked some friends who work in IB (though are not involved in recruiting), they said that the following universities are extremely well-represented:

Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Bristol, Notts, LSE, UCL
Can you study any subject at those Unis and still stand a good chance ore are you disadvatanged not studying an economics course.
and what about LBS? do you not include it because it is not an uni? in any case how does it rank amongst the ones you mention?
Reply 12
id say
1. lse
2. oxford
3. cambridge
4. warwick
5. imperial
6. bristol
7. notts
9. bath
10. ucl
Reply 13
and what about LBS? do you not include it because it is not an uni? in any case how does it rank amongst the ones you mention?

LBS is for Masters only.

if you look for IB banks thinking what uni they consider then i had say:


Cambridge / LSE / UCL / Oxford / Imperial

large gap

Bath / Warwick / CASS / Nottingham / York
Reply 15
Cambridge / LSE / UCL / Oxford / Imperial

large gap

Bath / Warwick / CASS / Nottingham / York

i do not agree with the large gap. to be direct, Warwick(which i personally think is as good as LSE and UCL) and nottingham aren't far off from UCL and Imperial nor Cass or nottingham.

And i forgot to add Manchester business school should be in the list as well.
Reply 16
I would say these universities are quite well-represented, although that dosen't mean that you cannot get in from other places.

Reply 17
Cambridge / LSE / UCL / Oxford / Imperial

large gap

Bath / Warwick / CASS / Nottingham / York

According to Times league table, Warwick should be 2nd or 4th in their Economics degree status.LSE is 4th of 3rd, should be after Warwick or before, but in anyway it means that gap between them isnt that big.
Reply 18
im doing maths at nottingham hopefully, would that stand me in good stead as far as IB goes?

would i have to do something after that or what?
Reply 19
From what I've researched Notts isn't the best uni to go to if you want to go into IB, the best ones are the London Ones, Cambridge and Bristol followed by Warrick. And Economics would have been a better choice.
You still have a chance but you will have to impress the interviewer a lot harder than someone who did Economics at LSE for example.