Okay, Im doing my exam for Unit 5 this week, and Im so screwed, I need to advice on how to pass the exam resonably, you see I started falling behind in chemistry last year but my other subjects where fine, I fell so far behind that when I was in A2 I was just getting slaughtered, anyway I only need a D cuz my other subs are gonna cover the rest of my points. Basically I havnt really started revising, I got an E on Unit 4 and the teacher was surprised haha, he recommanded that I dont bother resitting and I push all my efforts into Unit 5 and Syp, he said this because I told him I am aiming for a D, plus my AS grade is a mid C, as it stands now, I am on a mid D.
Can any1 give me some advice on pulling to average D's off, btw I am really behind in Chemistry, I hate it, I cant do it, because I didnt pay attention to the basics, and Im so lost, i just kinda of blanked it out of my mind, anyway I need 50% on unit 5, any help would be appreciated, or advice
I am terrible at organic, and any kind of reactions, my maths skills are fine, and Im fine at learning hard facts, just cant do the chemistry.