The Student Room Group
Reply 1
By making sure that you make them feel confident? Turning up on time etc?
Reply 2
It's not something that happens over night. Over time if you don't give them any reason not to trust you, they will trust you.
Reply 3
Yep, it takes a while for someone who has been cheated on to begin to trust someone again. Try to give the person no reason not to trust you, but without being too full on maybe. Over time a bond should build and gradually he/she'll open up to you and more than likely trust you.

Time is the key thing here, don't force it or it'll give the person more reason to not trust you.

Good luck!
Reply 4
A good relationship is always based and built upon a strong friendship I reckon.

Yeh give him no reason to not trust you. Be straight with him about everything - tell him exactly what you're thinking and doing if you're telling him about stuff. Be completely honest with him - be blunt, even be harsh - but never lie. Tell him he can feel free to question you and you'll do the same to him - completely straight and honest with each other with nothing to hide. Over time, he'll build the confidence he needs to have in you and he'll learn to trust you :smile:

Being honest isn't really my problem - I don't know how to beat around the bush.
I have to say i'm rather an untrusting person..I did something the other day that seemed normal to me but my friends were quite shocked..this guy that i met and have been out with a few times who had given me a few 'this can't be right' moments well without mincing words i went through his wallet and it's a good job I did as i found out he wasn't telling the truth..the whole point to this is those who have been cheated on want to make 100% sure that it won't happen again so in this case i'd say like all the above do everything you say you will, always give details get to know each other and don't be offended by little things as being defensive will make then be even more suspicious. it will be hard and i should imagine there will be some trying times but stick with it and you'll succeed!! good luck!!
show them that your trust them alot. like telling them stuf about you. or trusting them to look after something. and then when the put there trust in you fo something small make sure you do an awesum job of it. after a while there trust should build back up again
The short answer: Bt - it's good to talk.