Training for Intellegence Officer goes as follows:
You'll start by doing IOT at Cranwell like every other officer. After IOT, you'll follow a five month specialist training course at Chicksands in Bedfordshire. The course id designed to give you a thorough grounding in basic Intellegence techniques and sources, including:
-Intellegence agencies and their methods,
-Collection and analysis of intellegence, and
-briefings and report writing.
This course also covers military equipment recognition, tactics, operations and weapons technology. If your first tour is as an imagery analyst, you'll then undergo a further four months training in imagery analysis, also at Chicksands. When you've completed you're specialist training, you'll get your first posting.
Hope this helps, if you have any more questions on Intellegence Officer, feel free to ask, it's another branch I wanted to go into, but wasn't allowed to