The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Yes, I'm doing this paper. What do you actually need help with?
Reply 2
Hey... I just want a basic outline of the changes in warfare for the period. Because I have a whole bunch of bundled information from my lessons, but I'm finding it very hard to arrange it all into something comprehendable! So I would be extremely helpful for any help with this :-) jennie x x x
Reply 3
I've practically summarised my textbook and have split up the each period with the wars in the order they took place.

Revolutionary, Napoleonic, Crimean, Solferino (Italian War of Unification), German Wars of Unifications, Russo-Japanese and then World War 1.

I've not really focussed on the American Civil War too much as it's an optional area of study to mention in the exam.

Also you got any useful revision notes that could be attached?
Reply 4
I thought the Italian wars of unification and Russo-Japanese were optional!
Reply 5
I thought the Italian wars of unification and Russo-Japanese were optional!

Noooooo, I'm pretty sure the American Civil War is. I've also missed the Franco-Austrian War in between Solferino and the German Wars of Unification.

How's everyone revising for this then?

I think it's going to be a tough paper, i hope a question on technology comes up and/or one on tactics and strategy.
Reply 6
I'm using the Neil Stewart book (don't like Browning) and the piles of photocopied notes the teacher gave me. It wasn't clear from the mark scheme how much historiography or consideration of rival interpretations they're looking for. What do you think?

PS Isn't the Franco-Prussian one of the German Wars of Unification? If it is you shd definitely revise for it cos it's pretty crucial. I remember a past paper asking specifically about the mid-century wars of unification and the Franco-Pruss came in quite useful for the synoptic element.
Reply 7
Yes it is part of it. It was in 1870-1871, if i remember correctly.
Reply 8
Well Aj, they were easy questions weren't they? I did weapons and public opinion.
Reply 9
As did i. I thought the questions were too easy and in that respect i may have buggered the exam up, lol.