The Student Room Group

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A human. :smile:

and whilst were on about it, join the goth society
Reply 3
They may be a tad... controversial at times
But don't get me started on the bleedin chavs
Reply 4
they are both the lowest form of life (appart from the odd microbe)
they are both the lowest form of life (appart from the odd microbe)

nothin wrong with goths. at least we do hit random people and record it on our phones
Reply 6
im waiting for someone to pick chavs.. but for some reason, I dont think it wud happen!
goth dont happy slap

goths dont go around looking for trouble

goths dont inhabit every street corner and make you fear walking at night

goths usually have an IQ higher than 3

so i prefer goths y'know
Who, exactly, decides who "is" a "chav" and who "is" a "goth"? Who defines the difference between someone who "is" either of those things, or who simply wears gothic make up or clothes? I really don't get these stupid labels. Is there some list which you sign when you decide to "become" either?

I really can't make myself type, write or say either "goth" or "chav" without using some form of speech marks. The words are just so ridiculous.
Reply 9
Quite a good post from 'October Project'
I can't wait for HBP!
what about normal people!
Reply 11
Normal people could have been an option in retrospect...
Reply 12
October Project has got a LOT of Rep points very quickly... at least 50 in under a week!
October Project has got a LOT of Rep points very quickly... at least 50 in under a week!

I'm just that amazing *worships self*

And thank you, by the way!
Reply 14
I have to admit I chose goths, mainly because I get along with goths, but I do kind of have a thing for goths, there is just somethin about them . . .
Reply 15
I disagree with the whole concept of goths, but I hate chavs.
one person can give 50 out. she may have impressed a single high post count/high rep poster who could give her 50 points
Reply 17
Which is preferable...

a GOTH... or a CHAV?

I think I'm going to have to go for...


if only because I can have intelligent conversations with the goths at my school.

I don't think you can judge a personality on the merits of how they dress.

From personal experience, the only goth I know is attention seeking so I rarely talk to her now, and the only chav I know is a really funny guy. He was one of the "tw@s" at school who was feared by many, but then he got a job at the same hotel as me and we became quite good mates.

You can't, and have no right to, judge anyone without sampling their personality. (I used to do that, until I met this "chav" and spoke to him properly. As I said, I used to think he was a tw@, but he prooved me wrong :smile: )

Motherless Child
Reply 18
all them weirdos freak me out:rolleyes:
Reply 19
This has took off a lot better than I thought it would... Almost developing into a serious discussion at times. Wow.