The Student Room Group

Ill before exams

For the past week or two I've had a sore throat, but just shrugged it off because I just assumed it would go away by itself.

Then last night it got gradually worse, and I started to get other symptoms, like going hot and cold, feeling achey etc.

This morning I couldn't get out of bed I felt that ill, although I managed to in the end. I've barely eaten because it hurts to swallow and I just don't feel like eating anything.

I've spent most of the day asleep as I couldn't do anything else. I feel weak. So today I have done no revision. My exams start on Monday and I'm beginning to panic because I know I haven't done enough work and I really needed this weekend, but if this bug carries on then I can't.

Luckily I have okay(ish) grades before I do my exams, but I still need a certain amount of marks to get my grades for uni.

I don't know what to do. I can't miss my exams, and I won't. But I can't perform very well in this state.

Do any of you have any advice? I'd really appreciate it as I'm worrying about my exams. I really didn't need to be ill now. :frown:
Reply 1
go to the doctors...and get a doctors note
i had the same probs with my french n german orals..well i had tonsilitis. so i got a doctors note and i get an extra 5% :smile:
Reply 2
Yeh I'm scared I'll be ill just before my exams too :frown: Really hoping I won't.

I say get plenty of rest and just chill - don't force yourself to work cus there's no point. If you force it you end up with half-quality revision which is useless and you end up getting no rest so things could get worse. Just relax and let yourself rest. Hot ribena might make you feel better :smile: I dunno - it just sounds like a nice thing to have when you're ill.

Don't worry about it - I'm sure you'll be ok :smile: And times when you feel ok or are not tired, do some revision - 5min here and there can accumulate into hours that would be worth something. Might be the difference between a B and a C.
Reply 3
go to the doctors...and get a doctors note
i had the same probs with my french n german orals..well i had tonsilitis. so i got a doctors note and i get an extra 5% :smile:

I may go to Primary Care cos the doctors is closed tomorrow. I just feel awful. Thanks for the advice x

Yeh I'm scared I'll be ill just before my exams too Really hoping I won't.

I say get plenty of rest and just chill - don't force yourself to work cus there's no point. If you force it you end up with half-quality revision which is useless and you end up getting no rest so things could get worse. Just relax and let yourself rest. Hot ribena might make you feel better I dunno - it just sounds like a nice thing to have when you're ill.

Don't worry about it - I'm sure you'll be ok And times when you feel ok or are not tired, do some revision - 5min here and there can accumulate into hours that would be worth something. Might be the difference between a B and a C.

I really hope it turns out okay. It's the last thing I need right now. If it's a 24 hour thing then fine, but I have a feeling it isn't. Good luck.

Oh and to top it all off, now I have period pain. Woohoo...
Reply 4
I am always ill during exam time. And around performances of plays etc etc.

Body body justs gets shattered with nerves, and right now I'm very achey and lethargic. Napping like a mofo.

If you feel it's affecting you, get a doctor's note - s/he can clarify whether you're going to be adversely affected in exams.

I can barely revise, so the exams are going to be a nightmare. If I'm no better I will go and see someone. I don't think I will get anything though cos it's not like I'm in hospital really ill, it's just a bit like flu. It's my throat that makes it worse though.

Thanks for the advice x
go and see the doctor - i was ill for ages about six weeks ago and i didnt bother to go and see the doctor until about a fortnight ago. turned out im anaemic and all i needed was iron tablets. so go see the doctor now!
and you will be able to get a doctors note, they'll give it you just for general unwellness.
Napping like a mofo.

Erm no, just go to bed and eliminate distractions!