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Reply 1
For me a long term relationship but you have to find the right one first
For me a long term relationship but you have to find the right one first

Me also. I do think the occasional 'little snog' is quite cute also. :biggrin:
Reply 3
yeah like sampling before you find the right one like on celebrity love island but maybe not as all over the place like paul
Reply 4
Why would you wanna snog someone you're not serious about? :confused:
Reply 5
Why would you wanna snog someone you're not serious about? :confused:

ah so young, so naive
Reply 6
ah so young, so naive


Or maybe I'm just serious about relationships and serious about what I give :wink:
Reply 7
Why would you wanna snog someone you're not serious about? :confused:

I meant like snog someone you know well as a friend but obviously not if you have a partner already i wouldnt cheat on anyone
Reply 8
i have lots of people i would kiss and we have a good time but i can only stand them in small doses and wouldnt want to have a relationship with them
Why would you wanna snog someone you're not serious about? :confused:

fun? as long as you're not in a relationship, they're not in a relationship....whats it matter?
Reply 10
kissing randomly can be fun, and stuff leading up to the kissing can help a lot with finding out what kind of people you like, but i get a lot more satisfaction from a proper relationship. if you want to meet mr/ms right then it's best to socialise a lot, in particular outside of your social group (assuming there isn't a friend you're already interested in). sometimes with drunken parties kissing kinda follows...but make sure you don't get yourself a repuation, cos then nobody will take you seriously.

Maybe I'm weird, but I'd prefer to be in a long term relationship and have lots of random kisses with the guy I'm with. Much more meaningful that way.
Reply 12
Why would you wanna snog someone you're not serious about? :confused:

Is this a joke?
Is this a joke?

I see her point. I'm not into random.
Reply 14
A snog is a snog. And even sex with numerous people is okay. Sex before marriage probably sucks. You can wait 20 somethin years for one night of sex or have thousands in that time...hmm. And also there's the bonus of havin diffrerent girls, one girl for life is a bit pooey.

I wouldn't worry about snoggin too many just seems really childish.
Reply 15
For me a long term relationship but you have to find the right one first

I'm with you on that! :smile:
Reply 16
I'd say... have your first kiss with someone you really like (in a teenage crush kind of way)
Then play the field a little bit and kiss a few people so you get some practice
And then when you're a bit older and find someone you actually click with then start doing more than kiss

I see nothing wrong with kissing a few people
Besides... you can tell a lot about a guy from the way he kisses :wink:
That said i'm not sure i would have been confident enough to kiss a lot of guys before i;d been in a couple of long term things... hehe i may never know... i just seem to attract long term guys :confused:
I see a lot wrong with sleeping around
Reply 17
I'd say... have your first kiss with someone you really like (in a teenage crush kind of way)
Then play the field a little bit and kiss a few people so you get some practice
And then when you're a bit older and find someone you actually click with then start doing more than kiss

I see nothing wrong with kissing a few people
Besides... you can tell a lot about a guy from the way he kisses :wink:
That said i'm not sure i would have been confident enough to kiss a lot of guys before i;d been in a couple of long term things... hehe i may never know... i just seem to attract long term guys :confused:
I see a lot wrong with sleeping around

you attract long term guys? Tell me - how do you do it?! :smile:
Reply 18
A girl has to kiss many frogs before she finds her Prince.

That says it all really.
Reply 19
I see her point. I'm not into random.

Yay I'm not alone! :biggrin: By the look of this thread it sounds like we're the minority really.

And yeh it means a lot more when you kiss the one you're serious about :smile: The thought of some random guy I'm not with having his tongue in my mouth - I don't like the idea :puke:

If I end up snogging a guy before being in a relationship with him, I've gotta be crazy about the guy - but that would mean I was serious about that person beforehand... so random doesn't apply still.