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What do compare Dorian Gray with? (A2 Eng Lit)

Well, it's getting late now for coming up with ideas for A2 coursework, and all of my ideas have been knocked down by my teacher for a variety of reasons. :o:
I'd really love to do The Picture of Dorian Gray, because I love that book, but the question is, what to compare it to, and on what theme?
If any one has any ideas, I would be very greatful.

*Edit* Sorry for being a noob with the title, *to*.

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Well, it's getting late now for coming up with ideas for A2 coursework, and all of my ideas have been knocked down by my teacher for a variety of reasons. :o:
I'd really love to do The Picture of Dorian Gray, because I love that book, but the question is, what to compare it to, and on what theme?
If any one has any ideas, I would be very greatful.

*Edit* Sorry for being a noob with the title, *to*.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button or The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
On the theme of duality or something like that? That was what I wanted to do (Dorian Gray/Jekyll and Hyde) for my coursework, but someone beat me to it xD
I don't know, but ohh i love that book so much, Bazil *sigh* T_T
Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe- the idea of bargaining with/selling your soul to the devil is in both. :smile:
Reply 4
Good idea with the duality, I'll look into it. :smile:
And Faustus is epic I agree, but we're studying it for the exam so I can't really use it.
Thanks though! :biggrin:
Reply 5
Yes I agree with above post - Dr. Faustus. Or anything else that has a similar theme.

Edit: Aaah, just seen your response - am thinking about it and will get back to you if I come up with anything.
Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe- the idea of bargaining with/selling your soul to the devil is in both. :smile:

I was thinking the same, however Dr Faustus (the novel) was penned by Thomas Mann as opposed to The tragical (/ tragic ?) history of Dr Faustus that was a play by Marlowe.. I may of course be mistaken with regards to the exact title of the play.
Reply 7
The Awakening by Kate Chopin - written at about the same time, and was similarly controversial. Has some of the same themes and motifs of decadence, transformation, individual vs society, etc.


The Mayor of Casterbridge
by Thomas Hardy - again similar date of composition. Henchard, the protagonist, is compared to Faust, effectively sells his soul, and so on. Again, it pushed against conventions and caused a bit of a stir.
I was thinking the same, however Dr Faustus (the novel) was penned by Thomas Mann as opposed to The tragical (/ tragic ?) history of Dr Faustus that was a play by Marlowe.. I may of course be mistaken with regards to the exact title of the play.

Yes, I think you are referring to the older version of the Marlowe play which was called something like The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, however I was refferring to the modern "A" text, a play by Marlow which is just called Dr Faustus. Sorry, I didn't make it clear that I was referring to the play. :smile:
Reply 9
I just found out we get to pick a book for our coursework? Is that right? Can it be any book or does it have to be Gothic?

I hate my school ¬¬
You could choose to explore the portrayal of decadence in literature.
Reply 11
I ahve a phd essay comparing Dorian Gray with Portrait of an Artist somewhere if you want it. It's about the representation of "sin" in each book.
Yes, I think you are referring to the older version of the Marlowe play which was called something like The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, however I was refferring to the modern "A" text, a play by Marlow which is just called Dr Faustus. Sorry, I didn't make it clear that I was referring to the play. :smile:

Ah, Would you believe that I am not aware of the other play to which you refer, thank you for clearing that up. I read the Thomas Mann book some years back and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am not, as a rule, a great reader of plays, but recently did whistle through Stoppards Arcadia whilst at the beach and then spent the next week re-reading every minute detail, researching the maths as I went, excellent stuff.
I shall now look out for the play to which you refer and see what happens.
Reply 13
Original post by py0alb
I ahve a phd essay comparing Dorian Gray with Portrait of an Artist somewhere if you want it. It's about the representation of "sin" in each book.

Hi, I tried to pm you but I think there's a problem with your account. Would you mind sending this to me? I have to compare TPODG with another book for my AS coursework and I'd really appreciate the help :smile:
Thanks very much.
Hey, I would really apprecite it if I could read though your work to get inspiration for what other book to do with Dorian Gray. I’m so stressed I just don’t know which theme strong enough but one thing for sure I know I defiantly want to do Dorian Gray... please could you help me xx
Hey!Same goes here!!Any luck with your enquiry so far??
Original post by csmith812smith
Hey!Same goes here!!Any luck with your enquiry so far??

This is a very old thread :biggrin: but I did my coursework last year on Dorian grey and I compared it to on the road by jack kerouac, on the theme of hero worship and relationships between men.
Original post by ammie0206
Hi, I tried to pm you but I think there's a problem with your account. Would you mind sending this to me? I have to compare TPODG with another book for my AS coursework and I'd really appreciate the help :smile:
Thanks very much.

hey if you got the essay would u mind sending it to me pls
Original post by Thao2002
hey if you got the essay would u mind sending it to me pls

Original post by py0alb
I ahve a phd essay comparing Dorian Gray with Portrait of an Artist somewhere if you want it. It's about the representation of "sin" in each book.

would u mind sending it to me pls
Did they end up sending it and if so could you send it to me

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