The Student Room Group

Ganglion cyst on wrist

This isn't a big deal: it's basically just a load of synovial fluid that collects in the wrist area to form a lump/cyst. My doctor told me that it can sometimes occur after a little shock. Anyway I was told to get it removed as most of the time, they don't disappear. In the past they used to press extremely hard against the cyst to break it :eek: Well after a year, it just disappeared.
The most unfortunate thing is that I've lost all dexterity in my "wrist action" :rolleyes: (don't have any dirty thoughts). After having the cyst for a while, I got used to adapting to it: whenever I'd play basketball, tennis or just throw anything. Unfortunately now it's gone, I'm going to have to adapt again but it sucks :frown:

Has anyone else had one of these buggers?
Reply 1
my dad has :rofl:
Reply 2
actually yeah, on my left wrist. its not that big though you can only notice it when i bend my wrist.
I've got a cyst on my neck, not sure if it's the same type, but I've got to have surgery!
My brother had one of those, twice in the same place. Probably from playing guitar, though thats only his theory. He destroyed the first one with an encyclopaedia, the second he landed on when playing football in goal. Two ingenious methods of removal.
Reply 5
I'm very interested in this thread. I injured my wrist a few years ago after falling off my horse (initial thoughts were broken but various x-rays and eventually a scan over a period of 1.5years ruled this out) and although it's pretty much healed, I still do get fluid collecting on the top of my wrist every now and then and it's incrediably painful. It never forms an actual cyst, but perhaps it's the same thing? At the time when it was incrediably painful, I too lost some dexterity in my wrist. my orthopaedic consultant blamed it on soft tissue damage and i was forced to rest it for 6-12mnths. It did the trick and it's certainly better than it was at the time, with now only occaisional pain after something particularly stressful (eg. a fall etc).