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The Official Funding questions/moans/possible joy Thread

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Luckily my entire undergrad department know me really well and most of them love me because I got really involved with everything. So I'll probably get one reference from them.
Luckily my entire undergrad department know me really well and most of them love me because I got really involved with everything. So I'll probably get one reference from them.

So that bodes well then :smile:

I'm a bit of a Marmite figure in my faculty :biggrin:
Reply 62
So that bodes well then :smile:

I'm a bit of a Marmite figure in my faculty :biggrin:

I didn't know you were made of yeast. :yy:
Reply 63
I'm a bit of a Marmite figure in my faculty :biggrin:

What? brown with a yellow top? :p:
What? brown with a yellow top?

Well, I am brown... :p:

I didn't know you were made of yeast.

Reply 65
Well, I am brown... :p:

:o: :smile:

Please tell me you have yellow hair - I'm having visions of a musical Marmite jar singing on a shelf in a supermarket :biggrin:

Is the love/hate thing to do with your love of Abba? :p:

Please tell me you have yellow hair - I'm having visions of a musical Marmite jar on a shelf in a supermarket :biggrin:

Is the love/hate thing to do with your love of Abba?

Unfortunately, I don't have yellow hair. Nor do I have any yellow hats, etc :no:

It is indeed :biggrin:
Reply 67
Unfortunately, I don't have yellow hair. Nor do I have any yellow hats, etc :no:


It is indeed :biggrin:

Haha I did wonder :p: One of the music guys at my UG uni would probably like that. He was eccentric enough to probably say he had a thing for Abba :p:

Haha I did wonder One of the music guys at my UG uni would probably like that. He was eccentric enough to probably say he had a thing for Abba

Your former PG uni does have a module on its UG course with ABBA on it :woo:
Reply 69
Your former PG uni does have a module on its UG course with ABBA on it :woo:

Seriously? :biggrin:

A friend's sister's doing the Music course at my UG uni, I'll ask whether they've done any Abba :wink:
Seriously? :biggrin:

A friend's sister's doing the Music course at my UG uni, I'll ask whether they've done any Abba :wink:

:yes: The RHUL lecturer I spoke to said she does a course on Scandinavian music or something like that, so ABBA comes up :yeah:
Reply 71
:yes: The RHUL lecturer I spoke to said she does a course on Scandinavian music or something like that, so ABBA comes up :yeah:

And people say Music's a tough degree course *ducks and runs for cover* :p:
And people say Music's a tough degree course *ducks and runs for cover*


I'll have you know I have much more work than any of the historians here :yep:

Reply 73

I'll have you know I have much more work than any of the historians here :yep:


Whatever. :work: :popout:

Tiz true. History is the closest thing Oxford has to a doss course :yep:
Reply 75
Whatever. :work: :popout:

:ditto: Although I have reached the stage of my undergraduate degree where one tries to avoid as much work as possible ("senioritis" is the term used over here).
Although I have reached the stage of my undergraduate degree where one tries to avoid as much work as possible ("senioritis" is the term used over here).

I was trying that all of last year. It didn't work very well :no:

Reply 77
Damn damn damn, UG uni has PhD studentships going. :banghead:
Damn damn damn, UG uni has PhD studentships going. :banghead:

Why is this a problem? :confused:
Reply 79
Why is this a problem? :confused:

Because there are issues about going back (on both sides, not just me :wink:) and urghh wish the temptation wasn't there as I know just how stupid it would be to ignore it. :o: :s-smilie:

I'd kinda ruled it out big time. Bah. :woo:

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