The Student Room Group


for the past few months or so i have been really tired, and slept alot more, and i dont no why

i go to sleep about 11 and wake up at 7 on weekdays, weekends 11pm go to sleep and wake up about 12, and everytime i wake up i feel really tired, i find it really hard to get up and normaly fall back to sleep, i normaly stay sleepy for half the day then im ok then about 5pm i get really sleepy again,

I like to think i have a good diet, e.g. i have loads veg everyday, drink about 1ltr of orange juice (the ones with bits in), iv tried going to bed early, tired it for about 2weeks but that didnt help at all. And i have bags under my eyes. i just dont no wot to do.

could it be because i dont do enough exercise, though i do a morning paper round every week day, i do go out on my bike alot, but cnt at the mo as my bike is broken. I would try jogging but for sum reason, whenever i do, if i jog for for about 5min, i heat up really quickly and suddenly feel really faint and either feel really sick or i am physicaly sick

any advice would greatly be appreciated

Reply 1
Go to a doctor. My mate was the same for a few months and the doc's sorted her out!
Reply 2
I hate to sound like my parents but 11pm is most likely late, some people just need more sleep than others. Being tired at the weekends is probably becuase you are over-sleeping. But if you have tried going to bed early (you need to do it for more than 2 weeks) and you're still not better then go to the Dr. I was like that but I was going to bed at 8pm on saturday, sleeping all day Sunday and all through Sunday night...turned out I have glandular fever. x x x
Reply 3
I hate to sound like my parents but 11pm is too late! No wonder you're tired. Being tired at the weekends is probably becuase you are over-sleeping.x x x

tehe you sent that at 10:57pm! I've found the perfect amount of sleep to function normally for me is when i go to bed at 12:30am and wake up at 8am. Though i've spent many weekdays staying up until 2:30am and getting up at 8am and it's not pretty! Espec after 4 nights doing that, you're a walking zombie.

It could be a thyroid problem, over-active lifestyle, depression, doesn't seem bad enough to be chronic fatigue syndrome, the list is endless....

If it's disrupting your life, see a doctor and try to solve the root cause of the problem.
Reply 4
Yes but it's a Saturday and I've been helping at my cousin's birthday disco and I've been sleeping most of the day. The GF has just messed everything up...I come home and go to sleep. No revision or's physically impossible. Yes you should see a Dr if it's hampering revision or anything like that.
you might be anaemic? that causes tiredness AND bags under the eyes.
Reply 6
Apparently teenagers need 9 hours sleep a day because of hormones and stuff. Could just be that. I often feel real tired too (even fall asleep in class!!!).

Try giving yourself the full 9 hours sleep a day. If that don't work then see a doc.
Reply 7
Little Girl Red
you might be anaemic? that causes tiredness AND bags under the eyes.

yer it might be that fone up your doctors and book a blood test - its better to phone becuase some only do blood tests on certain days
If you're actually drinking plenty of water and doing plenty of exercise, and not getting too little or too much (yes, it can make you more tired) sleep, I'd go and see a doctor. Before that, try going to bed half an hour earlier every night, it can do wonders for you.
Reply 9
Apparently teenagers need 9 hours sleep a day because of hormones and stuff. Could just be that. I often feel real tired too (even fall asleep in class!!!).

Try giving yourself the full 9 hours sleep a day. If that don't work then see a doc.

I get about six if I'm lucky most nights, during term time anyway :eek: . I usually have too many things to be getting up to than going bed early. However, it doesn't really seem to affect me as it does to other people I know. If they don't get ten hours, in the morning they look dead on their feet, it's quite funny actually. :smile: I suppose sleep is one of those things that varies from person to person.

Reply 10

how long is a few months? how long av u felt like this?

it could be 2 do wiv exam stress and everything, but if uve felt like this for way before the exam period begun then maybe u suld see a dr. do u hav ne uva symtoms?

i hope u get it sorted soon

em xxx
Reply 11
Stress/anxiety has a huge part to play in sleep. You could get 10 hours of so called 'sleep' but your body can't rest properly so it makes you feel tired/weak the next day