The Student Room Group
Reply 1
probably. he is a tory...
Reply 2
Yes, but he is also an idiot. Probably went to secondary school in Oxford and then carried on insisting that he was "Oxford-educated" for his entire life.

Reply 3
Idiot? He's a strategist and speechwriter, hardly a job for an idiot. Yes, his politics is silly and and he's an annoying gimp, but he's not an idiot.

Intelligent, but no common sense.
Reply 4
Wow, Oxford let a five-year old into their uni?! He must a genius!
Reply 5
Idiot? He's a strategist and speechwriter, hardly a job for an idiot. Yes, his politics is silly and and he's an annoying gimp, but he's not an idiot.

Intelligent, but no common sense.

I was using "idiot" in the liberal sense of the word. :P
By the way, it is a very special type of person who can be 'Alumni' by themselves. An Alumnus possibly?
Reply 7
It takes a VERY special person to be that pedantic.
Yes, alumnus. Well done.
It takes a VERY special person to be that pedantic.
Yes, alumnus. Well done.


Not pedantic, just bored :frown:
Reply 9
I know the feeling. :frown:
calamity jane
He's a strange man.

Why do you think he's strange? Is it because he's an intelligent, well-spoken, well-mannered black man and hence doesn't fit your stereotype of a black man? If he went into the BB House the with 10 tons of bling, baggy jeans, kissing his teeth, speaking in with a West-Indian accent, singing hip-hop and r 'n' b would you consider him to be normal?
Reply 11
don't be ridiculous. 'strange' refers to someones personality, not how they fit any perceived stereotype. the observation was made about him as an individual, regardless of the colour of his skin. just because it wasn't a compliment, doesn't mean it was a racist remark.
Reply 12
T. Hereford
Why do you think he's strange? Is it because he's an intelligent, well-spoken, well-mannered black man and hence doesn't fit your stereotype of a black man? If he went into the BB House the with 10 tons of bling, baggy jeans, kissing his teeth, speaking in with a West-Indian accent, singing hip-hop and r 'n' b would you consider him to be normal?

This is interesting actually. Firstly, he wasn't at Ox according to the google-available biogs on him from the newspapers etc. It does say he was the first black Master of Hounds (New Forest) an first black member of the very right-wing Monday Club. Had hoped to stand for parliament but was forced to withdraw because of some (unspecified) charges against him.
More importantly, I'm concerned that he and others like him think that by joining the extreme political Right, he will ingratiate himself with the establishment that discriminates against him. Kind of 'stockholm syndrome' that 'kidnapees' undergo. How can anyone from an ethnic minority join the Monday Club when the essence of its philosophy is so right wing, anti-black ("re-patriate coloureds" etc)? How can a gay join the Monday Club? Even the Tories recognise that the tory party has a problem with most of its membership and the Tories don't like the Monday Club as it's too right wing!

Hunting in scarlet and lisping with RP isn't going to make racism go away. Derek will always just be another black upstart to the people he's trying to impress. I think it's embarassing and lacks credibility. [I get that feeling with Chris Eubank too].
don't be ridiculous. 'strange' refers to someones personality, not how they fit any perceived stereotype. the observation was made about him as an individual, regardless of the colour of his skin. just because it wasn't a compliment, doesn't mean it was a racist remark.

Here! Here!
Toni Mag
This is interesting actually. Firstly, he wasn't at Ox according to the google-available biogs on him from the newspapers etc. It does say he was the first black Master of Hounds (New Forest) an first black member of the very right-wing Monday Club. Had hoped to stand for parliament but was forced to withdraw because of some (unspecified) charges against him.
More importantly, I'm concerned that he and others like him think that by joining the extreme political Right, he will ingratiate himself with the establishment that discriminates against him. Kind of 'stockholm syndrome' that 'kidnapees' undergo. How can anyone from an ethnic minority join the Monday Club when the essence of its philosophy is so right wing, anti-black ("re-patriate coloureds" etc)? How can a gay join the Monday Club? Even the Tories recognise that the tory party has a problem with most of its membership and the Tories don't like the Monday Club as it's too right wing!

Hunting in scarlet and lisping with RP isn't going to make racism go away. Derek will always just be another black upstart to the people he's trying to impress. I think it's embarassing and lacks credibility. [I get that feeling with Chris Eubank too].

So because someone is gay and black and speaks with an RP accent means they cannot support any of the ideas of the far Right? Fair enough their views on homosexuality and racism seem difficult for him to believe in, but this is no reason for him not continuing to live in the way he chooses and to support the other political beliefs that he chooses.
His manner seems rather affected to me (not because he is black, but because he really does just seem like he is acting a lot of the time). Yet I would have to agree he is one of the only people in the house who isn't a brainless single cell organism.
Reply 16
So because someone is gay and black ..... they cannot support any of the ideas of the far Right?

erm ..... yea!
Turkeys supporting Christmas?
By the way, it is a very special type of person who can be 'Alumni' by themselves. An Alumnus possibly?

Thanks! Being pedantic can be fun when you want it to be :biggrin: