The Student Room Group

just a thought

I'm coming to the UK from india...and i havent been there before. Though i spent 10 years in dubai and i had quite a few friends from all over the world. I've had a bitter sweet time when it comes to girlfriends. I need a new outlook coz most indian girls are sweet but talk of the FUTURE all the time. The time spent is on discussing such far fetched stuff that put me off. I know the brits arent that way...but how do the girls there see indians ?? How do indians get along in the dating scene ?

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Reply 1
So long as you're genuine and kind-hearted your nationality shouldn't matter.
Reply 2
Well said!
Reply 3
well thats comforting. Though wat sami said was a blow...i think indians are very genuine and warm and friendly. But a few spoil the name of a bunch.
Reply 4
I think they'd get along fine. I'd see an Indian guy much the same as any other guy - it depends on the personality of course!
Reply 5
I'm coming to the UK from india...and i havent been there before. Though i spent 10 years in dubai and i had quite a few friends from all over the world. I've had a bitter sweet time when it comes to girlfriends. I need a new outlook coz most indian girls are sweet but talk of the FUTURE all the time. The time spent is on discussing such far fetched stuff that put me off. I know the brits arent that way...but how do the girls there see indians ?? How do indians get along in the dating scene ?

i think it depends on what part of England you come to some areas are very multi-cultral so bein indian wouldnt matter but in some areas it might
Reply 6
Hey, I resent my post being deleted. My best friend who is Indian, is a absolute God with the ladies and has them all over him. And my other best friend who is also Indian, doesn't hang out with girls and is really conservative. I was trying to show it varied as mentioned in posts above. *grumbles*
Sami C
Hey, I resent my post being deleted. My best friend who is Indian, is a absolute God with the ladies and has them all over him. And my other best friend who is also Indian, doesn't hang out with girls and is really conservative. I was trying to show it varied as mentioned in posts above. *grumbles*

Your previous post was deleted because it sounded like a rude stereotype statement over indians. From the tone of your previous post, you made it seem like indians generally are unpopular.
Reply 8
Your previous post was deleted because it sounded like a rude stereotype statement over indians. From the tone of your previous post, you made it seem like indians generally are unpopular.

Well I have clarified so can I be forgiven?
Reply 9
It is rude to make such generalisations about Indian and British girls. There are some Indian girls who are more "easy" in terms of having momentary relationships and some british girls who are more serious/plan the future all the time. I always get the impression that some people who come from Asian countries have really distorted views about girls over here.
Reply 10
I think that it definitely depends on where you live. Some areas are quite culturally divided, so you might find that finding a British girlfriend is harder. I think that's a social thing rather than purely a prejudice issue.

Some areas are a lot easier. I'm mixed race, and have never had a problem with guys, though there are only a handful of ethnic minority people in my school. In most places people don't care, but its possible that they may find you less attractive because they don't have much experience of Indian guys. Again, a social thing.

Basically, if you're a nice guy and have attractive qualities you will be absolutely fine.
You'll be fine I'm sure you'll fit in great. As has been said previously, Britain is very multi-cultural. I don't think being of a different nationality matters to most girls, bit I can't be too sure obviously. My boyfriend is pakistani and I love him to pieces :smile:
Britain is very multi-cultural.

just on a grammatical point, Britain is either multi-cultural or not; it can't be very multi-cultural.

Reply 13
if ur coming to england, i recon its best to stick to central england as it seems to much more multicultral than down here in the south west.

in my school we have 2000 pupils and only 2 are black and we have no others from any other background....(id much rather it be multicultural than like it is now)

i only know two people who arnt white....

it would be much more difficult because lotsa people are so racist down here and it does my nut!
Reply 14
I also live in an area with very little cultural diversity, but at school I think if anything this improved relations between the few black and Asian students and the white, Scottish majority. There wasn't any conflict at all.

Where are you moving to, Raghav?
Reply 15
well i'm going to birmingham( university of birmingham). I'm 22 and i'm an electrical and electronics engineering graduate. I'll be pursuing my DBA & MBA. Basically...i'm just looking to have a nice time and interact with all the people there. I know i'm gonna spend a lot of time studying coz thats my primary reason for being there but the most important reason i chose to come to england is to be with people from all over the world and i think very highly of the british education system. And i've as i said earlier i've had bitter sweet ...bitter being more, sort of experiences. So looking forward to get a better perspective on that front. I'm an extrovert and love having fun..pubbing, clubbing etc... and i know i will gel in fine in some time. Its just i hope not to be looked down upon..u know wat i mean. Coz...its my first time in england...and i have absolutely no friends...only the ones in TSR ( thankfully... for them i'm being helped out a great deal in preparing to move there). So u can imagine my thoughts...and fears etc. I'm spending so much of money ( apparently int'l students have to shell out **** loads ). And i'm taking off so much from my parents that makes me feel a tinge low...but i hope i've made the right decision!
Reply 16
well i'm going to birmingham( university of birmingham). I'm 22 and i'm an electrical and electronics engineering graduate. I'll be pursuing my DBA & MBA. Basically...i'm just looking to have a nice time and interact with all the people there. I know i'm gonna spend a lot of time studying coz thats my primary reason for being there but the most important reason i chose to come to england is to be with people from all over the world and i think very highly of the british education system. And i've as i said earlier i've had bitter sweet ...bitter being more, sort of experiences. So looking forward to get a better perspective on that front. I'm an extrovert and love having fun..pubbing, clubbing etc... and i know i will gel in fine in some time. Its just i hope not to be looked down upon..u know wat i mean. Coz...its my first time in england...and i have absolutely no friends...only the ones in TSR ( thankfully... for them i'm being helped out a great deal in preparing to move there). So u can imagine my thoughts...and fears etc. I'm spending so much of money ( apparently int'l students have to shell out **** loads ). And i'm taking off so much from my parents that makes me feel a tinge low...but i hope i've made the right decision!

u have.....i think....

and birmingham is a good place to go. its VERY multicultural so u'll fit right in...
it does cost alot....but something we all have to put up with suppose..

ull make friends instantly...believe me

best of luck :smile:
Reply 17
i think birmingham might be the city with the largest population of indians in the UK, so don't worry
Reply 18
I'm going to birminham on my lonesome too, i'll buy you a pint...
Reply 19
I might be going to birmingham as well, its my insurance university to do economics