The Student Room Group

Barbers/Hairdressers in Portsmouth?

Hair is getting to the point where i can't tame it any more, so instead of going all the way back to London to my local barber i might as well adopt one while i'm here! is there anywhere decent and fair priced ones which do modern styles and such, like they can give you a choice of pictures of what style you want? i fancy doing something new with it, preferably a barber near gunwharf/commercial road? but not too fussy really.

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Reply 1
Razor's Edge is in Portsmouth & Southsea station. They're ok. But if you do use them tell them what you want done and then ask how much it will be.

Had a few situations where they try telling me my cut cost more than what it says on the wall
Hair is getting to the point where i can't tame it any more, so instead of going all the way back to London to my local barber i might as well adopt one while i'm here! is there anywhere decent and fair priced ones which do modern styles and such, like they can give you a choice of pictures of what style you want? i fancy doing something new with it, preferably a barber near gunwharf/commercial road? but not too fussy really.

Do you have "white" hair or "black" hair?
Reply 3
Do you have "white" hair or "black" hair?

Might sound a bit dumb for asking, but what do you mean by that..? :smile:
Might sound a bit dumb for asking, but what do you mean by that..? :smile:

Okay then, you have white hair..its cool. If you was a black person, I could advise you on where to go..but as you dont have black hair, I cant help you there.
I ask because, there are different barbers for a Black person and a White person and this is due to the way the hair is.
Reply 5
Okay then, you have white hair..its cool. If you was a black person, I could advise you on where to go..but as you dont have black hair, I cant help you there.
I ask because, there are different barbers for a Black person and a White person and this is due to the way the hair is.

haha, he gave the best answer to your question!
Reply 6
Ok well, i guess i have white hair then, thanks anyway!
Reply 7
Did you get one of those student discount books from Freshers? They had quite a few discount cards in there for hairdressers
Reply 8
Did you get one of those student discount books from Freshers? They had quite a few discount cards in there for hairdressers

Haha yeah i think so..i picked up alot of crap there so i'm bound to have some :p:
Reply 9
Crew is pretty good opposite Lloyds bar. They do 10% off for students but the best thing above anything is that you can have a beer in there while they do your hair!
Reply 10
Crew is pretty good opposite Lloyds bar. They do 10% off for students but the best thing above anything is that you can have a beer in there while they do your hair!

How much is the beer though? Not student prices I bet
Garbo's Hair near subway (near the union) is pretty good. I've been there myself and plan on going again soon :smile:

- James.
Reply 12
Garbo's Hair near subway (near the union) is pretty good. I've been there myself and plan on going again soon :smile:

- James.


Just because I have hair dude :tongue:

Silly housemates :woo:
Reply 14
haha the Garbos in Southsea is good (although the one in town by subway was a bit… chavy when I went there)
I went to Rush hair, which was pretty good. I think i've got a 50% off voucher if anyone wants to lay claim to it?
Reply 16
No. I would not recommend Rush for students. Firstly I had a voucher for £10 off the haircut and 30% off colour. I thought it would be fairly cheap with these coupons. But as soon as i got there, the hairdresser refused to cut my hair unless i paid for a £12 treatment additionally, because it was in 'such bad condition'. Ok, so she cuts my hair really nicely, the colour was good too - but when it came to the bill, it was literally like waving goodbye to my social life for a month. £81 - with the discounts. WTF. Rip off. There's got to be cheaper in Portsmouth.
Reply 17
HA, I remember this in my first year I kept on going back home for my hair cut I liked going back to see friends and family so it worked out well. 2nd year I got my friends to cut my hair BUT final year what am i going to do !!
If you need a decent barber gimme a call 07761806606L
Mobile gents' barbers for all tthe current short male haircuts: undercuts, opmps, french crops etc. £5 only per student! Call me on 07906609063.

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