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Reply 1
The way you've put it makes it a very difficult question I think. Loads of one and very little of the other would never do. I think a lot depends on how you meet a person and what you're looking for when you do.
Reply 2
It's not as black and white as that. However much I wish I could say that looks don't influence me, they do. But so does personality. Feelings are a really complex thing and I could not possibly say that one is more important than the other. The closest I could ever come to describing is saying the blend they create is the most important. But even that doesn't even come close to describing it.
I'd never go out with a butt ugly girl with an amazing personality.
I'm less than perfect too though. Both are important.
Reply 4
This has to be the most overly-discussed topic in the world:

To want to get to know someone as more than a mate there has to be some sort of a physical attraction, but a good-looking girl without a brain is just as bad as a physically unattractive bird.
Reply 5
Big tits and not minging!
Reply 6
what do boys consider important

tits and arse

Reply 7
And if they shag on the 1st date!
what do boys consider important, looks or personality, or something else? what if a girl was ugly but really nice?

both...i'm greedy...

wouldn't date a nice ugly have to be attracted to them. otherwise they're just a friend...
Reply 9
hehe you can't ask that, its impossible to answer

for a long term relationship, both are equally as important. I'd much rather be friends with a nice girl i'm not attracted to. And I wouldn't stick round a pretty girl with a dull personality for long either
Reply 10
I'd be quite happy to have sex/blow job/whatever from a nice girl who's a friend after having a few drinks!!!!
Reply 11
tsk. blokes!
Reply 12
Hey, if it's there on offer, no point in turning it down!
Reply 13
The ugliest girls are always the nicest. Anyone else see this as well? I think its because they've got a lot to make up for in terms of looks...
both, definitely both
Reply 15
ooh...harsh. but possibly true
however ugly girls tend to get the fittest guys. ive noticed anyway
Reply 16
I'm not nasty, or shallow, but I voted looks. You'll nearly always be attracted to a woman through looks at first, such is the nature of men. Personality subsequently becomes important, especially so in my case. I could not stand being with a woman who turned me on physically, but whose personality repulsed me. Similarly, in the majority of cases, 'ugly' women with nice personalities wouldn't do much for me.
Reply 17
Need an additional option for 'don't care'. Heterosexism is dull.
Reply 18
most of the time, gurls with good personality are gorgeous..

rarely gurls who are beautiful, have good personality
Reply 19
Ugly girls give better sex. Cuz they gotta try harder as they don't have looks to rely on. So long as you screw them in the dark, there's nothing to worry about!