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I have them on my thighs from when i had an eating disorder when i younger..however i have vanished them *well, nearly...i can still see them but my boyfriend/friends claim to not* this is the product i used.

Fade Out Stretch Mark Cream

I bought it in's with the pregnancy stuff.

love Katy***
Reply 2

I have them on my thighs from when i had an eating disorder when i younger..however i have vanished them *well, nearly...i can still see them but my boyfriend/friends claim to not* this is the product i used.

Fade Out Stretch Mark Cream

I bought it in's with the pregnancy stuff.

love Katy***

thanks :smile:
Reply 3
I have them on the top of my thighs on the inside. I got them during puberty, and they have faded from red to white, but they are still there!! However I pretty much never wear anything that shows them, so I havent been too bothered about them, but it would be nice to get rid of them for holiday times etc. when I wear a bikini. Might try that stuff, how long does it take to work??
I have them on the top of my thighs on the inside. I got them during puberty, and they have faded from red to white, but they are still there!! However I pretty much never wear anything that shows them, so I havent been too bothered about them, but it would be nice to get rid of them for holiday times etc. when I wear a bikini. Might try that stuff, how long does it take to work??

i noticed the effects probably within a week..but then they were at their worst then, so if yours have faded it may not be quite so effetive.

Its impossible to ever *totally* get rid of them though.

love Katy***
Reply 5
I got stretch marks in puberty. I used to be very thin when I was younger, some would say I had an eating disorder..I just didn't really like eating!

When I hit puberty and went on the pill (aged15) and my weight rose quite quickly I got stretch marks on my inner thighs and hips.

I have used cocoa butter which helps to get rid of them, but you need to use it morning and night to make it really work.
Reply 6
yeah I've got some on my hips from growing in that area in puberty. gggrrrr.
Reply 7
i got them on my thighs which is normal i guess...
but i also got them on my breasts... is that normal?
Reply 8
ive got sum on my hips cuz i gained alot of weight recently :frown: i wont them to go away!
i got them on my thighs which is normal i guess...
but i also got them on my breasts... is that normal?

you can have them anywhere where you have gained and lost weight yes, stretch mearks on the breast are normal.

love Katy***
Reply 10
i got them on my thighs which is normal i guess...
but i also got them on my breasts... is that normal?

yeah, I'm the same as you. got them in both those places :frown:
I have used cocoa butter which helps to get rid of them, but you need to use it morning and night to make it really work.

Yup, that product i said earier contains coco butter. and using it oftern is the key...dont stop until your happy with the way they look.

love Katy***
Reply 12
I have way to many and I hate them I have them like all the way up my back and I don't like wearing tops that are too low at the back. I got them because I grew really quickly during puberty and my skin couldn't really cope.

#*$#in crap.
i have them on my hips and tops of my arms. i went on steroids for an ilness i had a couple of years ago and got them.!!!! I h8 it. Never tried cocoa butter...where can i get it from?
Reply 14
palmers cocoa butter is sold at boots and it is absolutely heavenly... smells lovely and the lotion is creamy and thick :biggrin: yum
you can have them anywhere where you have gained and lost weight yes, stretch mearks on the breast are normal.

love Katy***


yeah, I'm the same as you. got them in both those places

its used to really bug me but now they are sort of fading by themselves.
Reply 16
You can get cocoa butter from any supermarket. I would recommend the body shop stuff though.

I have stretch marks on my hps from puberty and my the inside of my thighs have developed them recently due to going to the gym i think, the muscle grew and i got stretch marks. Grrr, they're at that awful purpley stage but i'm moisturising lots to try and get rid of them. Once they've turned white they won't bother me even though you'll still be able to see them. xx
Reply 17
ah stretch marks, i never thought it could be that. i've got lines/marks on the inside of my thighs but had no idea what the hell they were lol. are they like lines of skin where it feels like a scar, and the skin's noticably thinner?
ah stretch marks, i never thought it could be that. i've got lines/marks on the inside of my thighs but had no idea what the hell they were lol. are they like lines of skin where it feels like a scar, and the skin's noticably thinner?

yes most probably, when they go white they look just like scars and the skin is thinner around that area
luckily i dont have any, just a few purpley bits at the sides of my boobs which aren't really stretchmarks, more a slightly bumpy bit.