The Student Room Group
Reply 1
LOL, He has a girlfriend but rings these lines? No offence but sounds like a looser. dont they cost like 3 quid a minute aswell. How do you know he's done this anyway?
Reply 2
That's pathetic, telephoning sex lines.
Reply 3
LOL, He has a girlfriend but rings these lines? No offence but sounds like a looser. dont they cost like 3 quid a minute aswell. How do you know he's done this anyway?

He asked me to sort out his bill payment for him at the bank, (we're really close and we'll have each others phones/bank cards/etc., I'm not some kind of obsessive girlf!) and I was a bit like 'wtf, why is it over £100 when you are on contract?!', and then I had a browse and there were like 20 of these 090 numbers! What the hells that all about?!
What the hell, that's weird. If he's talking to other girls at these phone lines, and having *phone-sex*, then that's out of order!

Why would anyone PAY to phone those lines anyway?! What's wrong with normal porn? :/
Reply 5
What the hell, that's weird. If he's talking to other girls at these phone lines, and having *phone-sex*, then that's out of order!

Why would anyone PAY to phone those lines anyway?! What's wrong with normal porn? :/

I know, if I'd come across a stack of DVD's in his room I would understand completely, but actual phone lines?! I didn't think anyone except old pervy men did this.

I'm not overreacting by being annoyed then?! I feel a bit pathetic but I just HATE the idea.
Reply 6
ill be frank here, and i know ill get negged for that. but if ur not providing him with what he needs, satisfying his needs he will go look somewhere else
Reply 7
I'm not overreacting by being annoyed then?! I feel a bit pathetic but I just HATE the idea.

I don't think you're overreacting by being annoyed.
I personally wouldn't even be annoyed by the fact that it's porn, but that's it's phone sex. I mean, what the hell. u_u
Ah hell no, you have a right to be mad if he's talking to other girls on these phone lines.

You have LESS of a right to be mad if he's just listening :biggrin: But still, there's the issue that it's slightly weird to phone those numbers and second of all it's good money he could be spending on other stuff.

ill be frank here, and i know ill get negged for that. but if ur not providing him with what he needs, satisfying his needs he will go look somewhere else

I don't think that's true. (no offence intended!) It's just I've never had a girlfriend and not watched porn. I like porn.. Sometimes guys just wanna have some ... me-time. :wink:

Iif your boyfriend has quite a vivacious sexual appitite and you're not indulging him, then it's possible that he might go to another girl, but at the end of the day most guys just watch porn - it's just a thing we do.
Reply 9
Yh your right to be annoyed your bf needs a slap. Ridiculous way to get his 'kicks' with and without taking the financial side into consideration.
Reply 10
[QUOTE}Iif your boyfriend has quite a vivacious sexual appitite and you're not indulging him, then it's possible that he might go to another girl, but at the end of the day most guys just watch porn - it's just a thing we do.

I'm at uni so it's pretty difficult obviously, but I'm home virtually every weekend. I don't think he'd sleep with anyone else; I really believe he loves me. Porn is fine, it's just the whole opinion I have of these lines etc. It freaks me out, a lot!:frown: :mad:

I know that I'll just keep thinking about it and I really feel we have/had a future together. It seems such a pathetic reason to throw away a good relationship but I seriously don't know if I want to spend my life with someone like this!!
That's disgustin in my opinion. When you see him next, try and talk him out of doing that. It's not good. I mean.. he has a girlfriend, he has porn, he probably has a fleshlight too. What else does a guy need? :s:
Reply 12
OK, so, to be honest ALTHOUGH that would really, really bother me in a way that normal porn doesn't, if he is spending that much there may be a chance that he has an actual problem, and could use help rather than being yelled at. Maybe just talk to him very calmly about it to see if he feels like it's an addiction? This sounds silly but guys can actually become addicted to porn. I dunno, it just strikes me that it may be that rather than just a normal, healthy ****-sesh because it's basically the next level down from going to an actual prostitute...
Reply 13
He asked me to sort out his bill payment for him at the bank, (we're really close and we'll have each others phones/bank cards/etc., I'm not some kind of obsessive girlf!) and I was a bit like 'wtf, why is it over £100 when you are on contract?!', and then I had a browse and there were like 20 of these 090 numbers! What the hells that all about?!

Just because they are 090 numbers does not necessarily make them sex lines (they may be silly competition lines!). Before you confront him check what they actually are (maybe by googling them), because he may be quite offended if you had misconstrued the situation.
Reply 14
Just because they are 090 numbers does not necessarily make them sex lines (they may be silly competition lines!). Before you confront him check what they actually are (maybe by googling them), because he may be quite offended if you had misconstrued the situation.

I checked. I figured one more call wouldn't make too much difference to the bill!

I'm getting a bit hysterical I think because I'm beyond being angry now and I just want to laugh. I can't believe he'd be so pathetic :s-smilie:
Reply 15
Just because they are 090 numbers does not necessarily make them sex lines (they may be silly competition lines!). Before you confront him check what they actually are (maybe by googling them), because he may be quite offended if you had misconstrued the situation.


They're probably not sex chat lines. He'd be pretty dense to let you look at his phone bill if they were.

Edit - I just read the above post, turns out he is pretty dense.
Reply 16
I don't think that's true. (no offence intended!) It's just I've never had a girlfriend and not watched porn. I like porn.. Sometimes guys just wanna have some ... me-time. :wink:

yes but if he is satisfyed he wont need to call a sex line
How would you feel?

Phone sex is pretty low.
He might be a pervert.
well its ok
Reply 19
Original post by maile.d16
well its ok

Please check thread dates this is 11 years old.