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About a month, but then I had other people read through it and give their opinions which takes time; however the time taken for me actually writing and making changes probably a couple of days. I wanted to make mine as near to perfect as I could so probably spent longer than alot of people do :s-smilie:
Reply 2
About 3 days but that was with my tutor's help :smile:
Reply 3
3 months, then again i am useless with the whole process
It took me about 3 weeks.
Reply 5
about 3 months.
but i didn't really do drafts. write one bit, went over it several times, write another and etc.
17 years
Reply 7
about a month, total of about 7 redrafts :biggrin: Still wasnt happy with it as i sent it off :P
can't finish 'til you start :smile:.

Ooh, who swallowed the book of proverbs? :p:
Reply 9
Not long at all for the first draft. That is easy as you are just putting all your content in. It is when you give it to people and then improve it! That can take 2-3 weeks as you want it to sound wow!
You could do a draft in a day! If you work hard!
About 2 months...............still panicked when the deadline came :p:
About 2 months, although I only did a paragraph or so a week in the first month. When I finally got my bum into gear I did about 3 drafts in a week and it was sent off by the 23rd.
Reply 12
About a month, I kinda chipped away at it.
About 6 weeks. But i obviously wasn't at it everyday. I would tweak it every now and again. Take it to teachers for feedback and sometimes refurbish whole paragraphs depending on feedback. The various spelling and grammar checks. Then they were chopping and rephrasing to try and keep it within the ridiculous word limit. It was a long drawn out process but I'm happy with the finished thing as I think I can be.
about 25 minutes.

At the last minute I had a change of heart and re-wrote 75% of it completely.

edit: the original took 2 weeks maybe (sudden change of heart with subject too)
Far longer than a 4000-character piece of writing should really take.
Took me 11 drafts until I was happy enough to send it off.
Overall it took me three weeks. But I didn't work on it everyday, and when I did it was only for a couple of hours at the most.
Reply 17
About 12/13 drafts (but drafts as in tweaking)...
just over a month on and off. Was hell.
Reply 18
About 4 hours, spread over two or three days.
Did two drafts.

I found it fairly easy to write (which made me happy) I'd spent ages reading other people's though (on TSR) and from other sites and also just reading stuff like ''what makes a good PS'' so i just had that in mind when writing and it flowed.
Reply 19
About 3 weeks last year, and 2 months this year. Mainly because I spent forever and a day waiting for references from my college so there didn't really seem to be any rush to get it done..