The Student Room Group
Im sure its the same thing, as long as the course is the same it doesnt matter whats its called. I know L100 comes under BAEcon and covers alot of courses.
Reply 2
hmmmmm you see i never understood BA and Bsc. iv been told BA is more arts and Bsc is more math related? which one is "more respected"? or are both in a differnet league to each other and therefore cannot be compared?
hmmmmm you see i never understood BA and Bsc. iv been told BA is more arts and Bsc is more math related? which one is "more respected"? or are both in a differnet league to each other and therefore cannot be compared?

Yeh i suppose they will suit different types of people. If your refering to Man for their BSc they ask for Maths and BA they dont, so if you think Maths is more respected then the BSc would be better. However the BA would also have some Maths and allows you to be flexible and choose different courses.
Reply 4
hmmmmm you see i never understood BA and Bsc. iv been told BA is more arts and Bsc is more math related? which one is "more respected"? or are both in a differnet league to each other and therefore cannot be compared?

Unless your BA is a first from Cambridge, top employers prefer a BSc. You will find that most good Uni's only offer BSc econ. Having completed my first year (BSc) i cant see how you can do three years of economics withouth some fairly intensive maths anyway!
Unless your BA is a first from Cambridge, top employers prefer a BSc. You will find that most good Uni's only offer BSc econ. Having completed my first year (BSc) i cant see how you can do three years of economics withouth some fairly intensive maths anyway!

In general yeh, but alot of bad unis also offer BSc, for example a BA from Manc would probably be better than a BSc from City of RHUL.
Reply 6
john williams
In general yeh, but alot of bad unis also offer BSc, for example a BA from Manc would probably be better than a BSc from City of RHUL.

Like i said a BA from Cambridge would be better than a BSc from most other Uni's. However, a BA from manc would not necessarily be better than a BSc from RHUL!!

I had offers from both but chose RHUL because it was a BSc. Check out the below link.,,-5163891,00.html?chosen=Royal%2520Holloway&tariff=0&start=20&index=2&alpha=0
Like i said a BA from Cambridge would be better than a BSc from most other Uni's. However, a BA from manc would not necessarily be better than a BSc from RHUL!!

I had offers from both but chose RHUL because it was a BSc. Check out the below link.,,-5163891,00.html?chosen=Royal%2520Holloway&tariff=0&start=20&index=2&alpha=0

That link shows the Guardian league tables for Economics (and doesnt prove your point), however it also shows Stirling being higher than Bristol and Bradford being higher than Nottingham, York etc etc..which EVERYONE would agree isnt the case. The Times one is slightly more accurate:
Reply 8
john williams
That link shows the Guardian league tables for Economics (and doesnt prove your point), however it also shows Stirling being higher than Bristol and Bradford being higher than Nottingham, York etc etc..which EVERYONE would agree isnt the case. The Times one is slightly more accurate:

Times is elitist but fair do's nonetheless.

However, it still does not prove your point that a BA from manc is better than a BSc from RHUL or City.
Reply 9
L102 is better for jobs in finaince, and in L100 you have to do sociology modules in you first year.
Times is elitist but fair do's nonetheless.

However, it still does not prove your point that a BA from manc is better than a BSc from RHUL or City.

yeh nor did Watford110, but i wasnt trying to as its a subjective matter and you cant 'prove' it.
Reply 11
im probably doing the BSc econ L102 at manchester..its much more maths based...
the booklet for the manchester L100 courrse actually said economics and social studies:s-smilie:
Reply 12
i thought everyone is going to do the same first year and only decide when it come to second year,whether it's L100 or L102 or LN13..(anything with econs)
i thought everyone is going to do the same first year and only decide when it come to second year,whether it's L100 or L102 or LN13..(anything with econs)

Yeh for L100 that is the case, but not L102 which is a different course and asks for alevel maths.
Reply 14
ok.let's say i've choosen economics and business for the first year.i can still change to economics and finance in the second year right?
ok.let's say i've choosen economics and business for the first year.i can still change to economics and finance in the second year right?

Nope, Finance is the exception, where you need to have applied for it first, as they assess you slightly different and ask for ABB, where 'most' other offers are BBB (but not all).
Reply 16
I accidentally chose L100 BAEcon for Manchester. Is it possible to convert my course to L102 Bsc or Econs & Finance when I enter the univeristy?