The Student Room Group

Don't rub your results in our faces please ? when they come out

Look when our GCSE results come out the news reports will ahve a bunch of families on tv showing there kids who are going to open there reults live . They all ways get A's in all subject before they open it they go on about how hard they worked and how hard they are bla bla bla
then when they get there A's there like 'oh look GCSE'S are piss and there really easy and people who didn't get C's etc or what ever i thick !!! and didn't work'.

Can i say now that i understand your proud of your self and everything but don't rub it in our faces . I mean look i've studied more than any one else in the whole school (i can prove that if you want dont question me on that i can actully prove how long i ahve spent reviseing comapred to others with really stats ) i work hard and i stay up long night studying i meet all my dead line si go to revsion classes i even got a outside tutor to boost my grades up i put my self through mental tourcher to improve myself

The cold hard fact is i'm still going to leave school with s**T grades . I'm going to pass GNVQ and get 4 C's but there not worth s**t all collages i aplied for don't count them so that means i ahve to sue my other grades

heres what i think i will get

A* in Drama
D/C in Maths /Science
Cor B in english
D/C/B in history
U/G/F/E/C IN Spainsh

oh yea and a cheap certifict saying i could run around in PE

So as you can see i'm getting s*** grades

The thing is i'm not thick i started school in a private school but my dad left and my mum couldnt aford to keep me in that school so you know i went to a bloody cheap ass school and my grades droped , My teachers that were getting me A's in my new school all f*****d off and left the school so were now stuck with rookies that can't teach . hell i wanted to quite school alltogether but screw that i got myself 2 jobs and got some money and got me privete teachers to help me (can prove all this as well)
I garentee you if i was in that private school i would never have made this topic or have seent his website cause i would be geetting A's jsut my taking a crap my old school was the BEST

So i would apriciate it that when the results come out you dont slag of people with lower grades soem of them deserve to be slaged of but there are the odd few like me that worked hard and still did bad .

Also i woud like to point out i'm not making excuses for my bad grades dont miss read this load of long winded banter i'm just saying i know deep down i did my best (UNDER THE CIRCUMSATNCES) and i will admit now mayb i could ahve worked harder but i still i'm going to ahng what ever i egt on my wall with pride weather its a G or an A its the best i could do

hell if you want i could tell you why my spanish grade looks so odd but iu will only tell if some oen requests it

so you knwo heres whats going to happen
on the result day
on the news they'll say

'Are GCSE'S getting easier even more students are passing gettign 4-5 A-C grades , with girls still out perfoming the boys'

Number one the exams arn't exactlly ahrd its just depend son how you mange your time and how good your teachers and resources are

Number two being a boy i can explain why more girls pass . In my school (all boys ) All the boys are demented little perverts and only think with there d*** , Girls dont care too mcuh about a boy friend etc casue they know boys will allways want it

SO in closing if anyone here does (i know this is doubt fall) end up on A news show casue of there grades SHUT UP WHEN YOU GET YOUR A's dont slag of other people . You know , i'm not taking nothing away from you you got the higest grades but don't rub it in peoples faces hell i know i'm getting a A* in drama but i don't go to the people in my class that can't act and rub it in there face .



i'm now carm thats my bitch fit over phew ..............


my exams finsih tomorrow

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Reply 1
Okay honey i can see exactly how you feel
But i will say this...
I can see you only have 12 posts and that means you haven't been around all that long
I'll admit i've only been on TSR since the end of year 11 - and the A-level crowd seem a fair bit nicer than the GCSE one... maybe cos most of us are on here for academic things
But generally speaking apart from a few little tw*ts we're a nice bunch
And i'm yet to see somebody slag off somebody elses grades by saying they clearly didn't work hard... unless they're boasting about how little work they did
So please don't judge before results day
Yes a lot of us get good grades... but we also had to work damn hard for them - especially at A2s!! If it makes you feel any better i got a D in German Writing :biggrin:

I really hope your last exams go well
Good luck and stick with TSR :wink: We're cool really!! :biggrin:
Reply 2
hey lol i know what you mean about those children opening it 'live' lol. I hate it too. So contrived *rolls eyes*. Anyway, good luck! (I dont really like GCSEs either :frown:)
Reply 3
honestly you lot are nice no disagreement jsut saying as a geralsiation

i have 12 posts that i did 2day if i knew this site was around i swear i would have used it a lot sooner

trust me i ahve reckomended this site to all the kdis i know that will want help this place is usefull

Just remember there are Mugs out there who rub it in your face and it anoys me i mean what have they achived really? its not like they won a lot of money or anything essentially its jsut a piece of paper you get at the end of this

i swear if i see anyone in essex on the news open it live and slag us off i'll find em hunt them down and kick the crap out of them errrrr
sorry i didn't sleep last night i have been awake studying history for like 45 hours and i want to sleep thats why i'm coming across a bit ratty
lol m8 relax....no1 is judging anyone. u'll b alrite btw...45 hrs lol fed up of hist now. gd luck with the exam 2moro.
Look when our GCSE results come out the news reports will ahve a bunch of families on tv showing there kids who are going to open there reults live . They all ways get A's in all subject before they open it they go on about how hard they worked and how hard they are bla bla bla
then when they get there A's there like 'oh look GCSE'S are piss and there really easy and people who didn't get C's etc or what ever i thick !!! and didn't work'.

Can i say now that i understand your proud of your self and everything but don't rub it in our faces . I mean look i've studied more than any one else in the whole school (i can prove that if you want dont question me on that i can actully prove how long i ahve spent reviseing comapred to others with really stats ) i work hard and i stay up long night studying i meet all my dead line si go to revsion classes i even got a outside tutor to boost my grades up i put my self through mental tourcher to improve myself

The cold hard fact is i'm still going to leave school with s**T grades . I'm going to pass GNVQ and get 4 C's but there not worth s**t all collages i aplied for don't count them so that means i ahve to sue my other grades

heres what i think i will get

A* in Drama
D/C in Maths /Science
Cor B in english
D/C/B in history
U/G/F/E/C IN Spainsh

oh yea and a cheap certifict saying i could run around in PE

So as you can see i'm getting s*** grades

The thing is i'm not thick i started school in a private school but my dad left and my mum couldnt aford to keep me in that school so you know i went to a bloody cheap ass school and my grades droped , My teachers that were getting me A's in my new school all f*****d off and left the school so were now stuck with rookies that can't teach . hell i wanted to quite school alltogether but screw that i got myself 2 jobs and got some money and got me privete teachers to help me (can prove all this as well)
I garentee you if i was in that private school i would never have made this topic or have seent his website cause i would be geetting A's jsut my taking a crap my old school was the BEST

So i would apriciate it that when the results come out you dont slag of people with lower grades soem of them deserve to be slaged of but there are the odd few like me that worked hard and still did bad .

Also i woud like to point out i'm not making excuses for my bad grades dont miss read this load of long winded banter i'm just saying i know deep down i did my best (UNDER THE CIRCUMSATNCES) and i will admit now mayb i could ahve worked harder but i still i'm going to ahng what ever i egt on my wall with pride weather its a G or an A its the best i could do

hell if you want i could tell you why my spanish grade looks so odd but iu will only tell if some oen requests it

so you knwo heres whats going to happen
on the result day
on the news they'll say

'Are GCSE'S getting easier even more students are passing gettign 4-5 A-C grades , with girls still out perfoming the boys'

Number one the exams arn't exactlly ahrd its just depend son how you mange your time and how good your teachers and resources are

Number two being a boy i can explain why more girls pass . In my school (all boys ) All the boys are demented little perverts and only think with there d*** , Girls dont care too mcuh about a boy friend etc casue they know boys will allways want it

SO in closing if anyone here does (i know this is doubt fall) end up on A news show casue of there grades SHUT UP WHEN YOU GET YOUR A's dont slag of other people . You know , i'm not taking nothing away from you you got the higest grades but don't rub it in peoples faces hell i know i'm getting a A* in drama but i don't go to the people in my class that can't act and rub it in there face .



i'm now carm thats my bitch fit over phew ..............


my exams finsih tomorrow

woah...hey don't get so stressed about gcses. if you've got bad grades because you didn't work, then yeah get stressed and scream at yourself and throw things at the wall!

but if you've worked as hard as you say you have, just be proud of yourself. remember if you hadn't worked so hard your grades would be worse.
also remember that your grades might not be as bad as you think. are those your predicted grades or is that what you predicted for yourself?

you've had a really tough time. congratulate yourself on getting through it.
Reply 6
Argh text speak can't stand it

Sorry deviating a little there.

The threads which annoy me are ones which say "I am going to fail" and when you actually read it's that they got an A* in all but one subject. There are also a couple of arrogant idiots on here which the less you say about them the better but overall we are a nice bunch i come to TSR to relax it's great to get an idea on what you can expect to happen and also just generally chat :smile:
Look guys, please dont rub your grades in other people's faces, the grades are very personal to people, they make others feel confident with themselves, they help people realise their potential, and where they can improve.

If you rub it in their faces, you will be making people feel worthless, as if their grades dont matter, as in fact they count immensly to the individual. It shatters people's confidence, and it stops people from trying to improve...

Also, grades are important, but what is more important is how well you treat others and how well you interact with people. - clearly someone who boasts about their '10 A*'s' lacks empathy, and in the end will probally find less oppurtunities for careers and for university places. So please show respect for fellow peer's grades.. :smile:
Reply 8
tell you what i have no friends so i aint got to compare my grades with anyone

you know friends just get in the way in my view i realsied that in year 8 and aint had any friends since lol
i had one outside school but she lives in the usa

i hate the kids at my school who gets A's with out doing anything .
I also hate how in drama everyone bought there friends to there perfomance and stuff and i bought er my costume and that was it lol my Mum didn't even see my shows she had to work thansk to my dad the bastered oh i'm getting ratty again (lack of sleep not my fault )

i mean 45 hours trust me thats the stupidist thing i ahve every done

oh i'm telling you my spanish grade i'll litterly eat my football boots if i get a C
Reply 9
What annoys me is when you do 'group' work in media studies and i produce an A* radio show and the other guy works off my grade that's certainly something which annoys me.

Oh and before anyone asks no i am not a whole A* student i enjoy radio production that's all. Only A* i ever got in coursework anyway.

Can we make this a rant thread seems to work quite well.
Reply 10
I agree. I hate when people get all A*s and As effortlessly! I'm hoping for Bs Cs and Ds and for me thats a great achievement - because I know that I've done my best. Its nasty when people brage about grades - but if you see a post like that - just ignore it. My friends will all get good grades effortlessly -which I find annoying. But one day these people will find education difficult - maybe at alevel - maybe at university. But they wont be able to get these grades without hard work for much longer. Then you can have the satisfaction that you know how to revise and do exams properly and how to manage your time. hahaha
i have another request. please please don't say 'i'm going to fail' unless you really honestly believe that.

all my friends say 'i'm going to fail' and they're blatantly not. i got so annoyed that i started offering to bet them that they wouldn't fail. (by fail they meant not getting A*) i said ' i'll give you twenty quid for every subject you don't get an A* in and you have to only give me ten quid for every subject you do get an A* in'. good offer right?
guess what? every single person turned it down.

i guess they don't really think they're gonna fail...

my point is, i totally understand if you really think you failed and need support , please go ahead and post. but there are some people here who go on about failing when they know they're gonna do well.
tell you what i have no friends so i aint got to compare my grades with anyone

you know friends just get in the way in my view i realsied that in year 8 and aint had any friends since lol
i had one outside school but she lives in the usa

i hate the kids at my school who gets A's with out doing anything .
I also hate how in drama everyone bought there friends to there perfomance and stuff and i bought er my costume and that was it lol my Mum didn't even see my shows she had to work thansk to my dad the bastered oh i'm getting ratty again (lack of sleep not my fault )

i mean 45 hours trust me thats the stupidist thing i ahve every done

oh i'm telling you my spanish grade i'll litterly eat my football boots if i get a C

:frown: Are you sure you dont want friends? Seriously, friendships are very important to have! I'm sorry kid, but that is quite hard to beleive.... sure, i agree, it is annoying in the likes of year 8, when everyone is 'getting in the way', but you shouldn't abandon them! Friends shape you as a person, you act in different ways with different friends.... without friends you turn to Anti-Social behaviour. It is not a good life without friends, you wont be able to do things you would normally do... footie matches?

Have you thought of seeing a counsellor, to discuss any problems you have? I must say, they are very friendly, they keep your information private, they try and help you out.... Or, i'm always here if you would like to talk about anything in particular. :smile:
Reply 13
i'm too f****** tired to that at tthe moement you work it out how long its been since i went to bed i was awaked all sunday the last time i got out of my bed was like saturday at 4 in the morrnung ain't been in it since

man if you want rants wait till i'm awak trust me this si nothing this is cause i'm tired and angry and am starting to hurlusinate
sod this you know keep posting in this topic would oove to read the comments when i'm awake but for now

F*** Gcse's
F*** the goverment
f*** little pricks that rub grades in your faces

oh i need some sugar water and now ]


Goodnight every one i'm not even going to my bed i'm just sleeping on the floor its closer in 50 secs i'm pulling the pwoer cord out my pc
i'm too f****** tired to that at tthe moement you work it out how long its been since i went to bed i was awaked all sunday the last time i got out of my bed was like saturday at 4 in the morrnung ain't been in it since

man if you want rants wait till i'm awak trust me this si nothing this is cause i'm tired and angry and am starting to hurlusinate
sod this you know keep posting in this topic would oove to read the comments when i'm awake but for now

F*** Gcse's
F*** the goverment
f*** little pricks that rub grades in your faces

oh i need some sugar water and now ]


Goodnight every one i'm not even going to my bed i'm just sleeping on the floor its closer in 50 secs i'm pulling the pwoer cord out my pc

:frown: Axle, its more comfier if you go to your bed and sleep.... :smile:
lol this thread is mental. axle im glad you've gone to sleep, its well-earned. i agree with you, those who deserve the grades dont always get them :frown:
axle can b a bit of a moaner lol. sorry i had to say it. fair enuff abt the grades, but bluday hell if u needed sleep u shud've stopped telling ppl n just gone to sleep! lol.
I don't even think I'm going to tell people apart from my family (and obviously my teachers will know anyway) my results. As far as I can see its no one else's business, and no offence to you all - but I certainly won't be telling a bunch of strangers what I get! Its private, and I'm only going to tell the people that are close to me, or that really need to know.

And I can kind of see where axle is coming from..on most thread of this board - its people talking about how they're going to get A*s in all their subjects, and I totally agree that sometimes it just seems like (including people at my school) are rubbing it in the less clever people's faces, and I hate the GCSE's for that purpose!
Reply 18
I can see what you mean :smile: There's people on here complaining because they don't think they got an A* in one of their subjects- its not as if they're going to fail! Some people work really hard for their results and not everyone is at the same academic ability. It's almost better not to stress yourself out getting A*s in every subject because the chances are you won't be bothered at A-Level to do the same. Some people on here seem to be really rubbing it in about their results- NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME!
Reply 19
i'm awake now well rested my floor was fine didn't need a bed got to my exam this morrning and it was piss there was a lot of stuff i revsied for no reason which pissed me off

bytw i do a lot of random stuff when i'm tired like typing on the computer i woz 1/2 asleep when i was typing that stuff last night .

And no you dont need friends they do get in the way . I'm not into any anti social behaviour either i'm as normal as possible , i build sites and fourms and read books and play games i just dont socialise with people unless i have too
i have no one on my msn other than my sister and shes only there cause its the onyl way i can tlak 2 her cause she lives far away .

Have you thought of seeing a counsellor, to discuss any problems you have? I must say, they are very friendly, they keep your information private, they try and help you out.... Or, i'm always here if you would like to talk about anything in particular.

1. i read a book on councerling and i can council my self if i wanted to i dont need anyone to help me with my stuff and pretend to be intrested in my life
2.they dont keep info private in my book it says that they have the ability to arragne metting with family memebrs and intervension behind your back
so screw that secretcy stuff
3. And i dont need to tlak 2 you but thansk for offering lol

Man i was tired lol

for got who said it but belvie me this sint a mental topic this is just a leavl 1 out 10 topic i know how to make mental topics belvie me

and as where on about councerling i found out today that my spanish teacher is now having lessons with a councerler because of my old class
i'm telling you spanish in my school was a nightmare

i'm actully surprised how many people agreed with me on this topic in fact i'm surprised people actully replied lol

and to aviod making my self look anymore wierder than i have all ready i'm going to stop using the internet when i'm tired i'm just going to go to bed