The Student Room Group

Free NHS treatment

Does anyone know when your free entitlement to NHS treatment finishes?

E.g. if you go for eye appointments do you still have to pay if you are still 18, but have finished your A Level exams? Are you still exempt from paying until you go to university?

Also what if you 18 and at university, does that count as full time education?

hi there, basically ur entitlement to free dentist/optician/perscriptions runs out once ur 16 or 18 in full time education, however most uni students are still entitled to full or partial help. ask at ur doctors or chemist for a HC2 application form. its quite lengthy and ull have to go into quite abit of detail about ur income but most students will receive some or full help. hope this helps!xx
Reply 2
yes it does, thanks. Im 18 now and finished (finishing) A levels, is it still free do you know? Do you know when full time educatio finishes? is it your last exam?
Reply 3
honestly most people still keep claiming especially on perscriptions till theyre 19 as theres no real way to prove it, however if u like to be honest i would book a dentist/optician appointment before the school term finishes, and certainly pick up a HC2 form ASAP. ooh also on that note the form will take a while to come back to u with a certificate so if u do end up havin to pay for a perscription ask for an NHS receipt so that wen u do get ur certificate thro u can claim ur money back!
lol, spent 7 months of my gap year workin in a pharmacy so ......
Reply 5
thanks - u sure knw ur stuff!
I did one of those forms last month but none of the questions seemed to be related to me :confused: It seemed to be aimed at uni students, hence I couldn't answer most of the questions properly