The Student Room Group

I can't relax...


I am an 18 year old lad... just finished school and am going to uni in september. But for the last few years I've found it tremendously hard to relax... I always feel uptight, anxious, my head is buzzin.... I really need to find someway to try and help me relax... I was just wondering if anyone else has similiar problems or any ways of overcoming them? help would be much appreciated...


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Reply 1
sit in a quiet place, take deep breaths and clear your mind and think of somewhere you really want to be and imagine being there. random, but it might work :smile:

oh also cut out on caffeinated drinks and cut down on sugar too
alot of my friends take long baths to relax but i find i need to be active so il go for a brisk walk, always clears my head and makes me feel refreshed!
Reply 3
I have problems with anxiety and I also get panic attacks. I find it very difficult to relax generally as well as in specific situations which I find stressful such as in small spaces.

Things I find calm me down in the short term:

A hot bath with Radox "Time out" or "Sleep easy" bubble bath.

Practise deep breathing - which is breathing from your tummy not your chest. Breathe in through your nose to a count of 3, hold for a 3, then out to a count of 4.

Yoga/Progressive muscle relaxation. For the latter, lay flat on the floor and get comfy with the lights off and breathe slowly. Then tense every muscle group, working from your head to your neck etc. in turn. Clenching and then releasing the tension in your muscle groups one by one really helps you feel more calm.

Try taking some rescue remedy, you can buy it from boots and most chemists in a spray or a dropper form. It contains flower remedies which help calm you in stressful situations.

Origins cosmetics ( do a wonderful headache relief thing called "Peace of Mind" as part of their "Sensory Therapy" range. You dab it on your temples and it really helps with clarity. Also in this range is a product called "Sleep time" which you rub on your forehead, neck, and tummy and the aromas help you sleep.

Hope some of these things might help - they are a bit girly yes but theres nothing wrong with that!

On a more masculine side, I find that playing sport or just going for a walk with my stereo on distracts me totally which helps relax me.
Reply 4
Stop working for a moment.
Take deep breaths.
Go for a walk.
Tell youself you can do it.
Reply 5
i also used to suffer panic attacks and anxiety alot, i think it came from my parents being anxious peoiple as well as some problems in my life.these days im much better, although i still have my bad days.

for me theres two kind of anxiety, physical and psychological. i think that lack of physical exercise is a big cause of anxiety. and by physical exercise i dont mean playing football 2 or 3 times a week. i mean pushing urself to ur limits everyday and draining all that energy out of u. we're humans and we're supposed to get alot more exercise than we actually do in the modern western world. because of skool, office jobs etc.. we dont. oh yea and gget laid alot that'll help
Reply 6
Take gentle exercise, maybe go swimming?
Reply 7
You might need anti-depressants like prozac etc. They're used to treat anxiety/stress aswell as just obvious depression. Go to your doctor and talk to them about it.
Reply 8
No don't go on the pills - that is THE LAST RESORT. There are plenty of other things you can do before you think about going on medication. If you really *need* medication then they can help, and your GP can go through your options, but you don't want to head straight towards them without exploring other options.
Reply 9
Sit in a quite room like in a meditative stance crossed leged, close ur eyes and think about all the good things that have happened to u. Picture this in ur mind and take deep breaths.

or jus listen to calm and soothing music and lie down in a comfy sofa.
Go watch a romantic movie :biggrin:

I am an 18 year old lad... just finished school and am going to uni in september. But for the last few years I've found it tremendously hard to relax... I always feel uptight, anxious, my head is buzzin.... I really need to find someway to try and help me relax... I was just wondering if anyone else has similiar problems or any ways of overcoming them? help would be much appreciated...


If you've just finished school and are about to go to uni, it's not surprising that your head is buzzing! It takes time to get out of the school routine, and to get used to the feeling of not having to do anything. You'll get used to it! :smile:
Reply 11
Try listening to some music through large headphones, helps me relax.
Reply 12
Jus' blazzzeeeeee

lol... sounds like someone needs a good night out. That usually works for me.

In all seriousness though, you need to try n focus on why you are anxious. Is there something missing from your life? Is there something you want but cant have? Is there built up anger/agression? Basically.. you need to find the cause, which may be deep deep down. If you know what this is, just try and sort it. Sounds to me like something is playing on your mind and putting you into this state. Avoiding an obstacles isnt always the best thing to do, sort it.
Reply 13
This is a good technique to fall asleep, relax, etc.. you need to close your eyes and think of a dark room or white room with nothing in it, once you reach that state i normally fall asleep. its a way of your mind to wind down and kind of shut off.
Reply 14
Just go to HMV/Virgin etc. Buy a copy of Hendrix at Woodstock. Just listen to the two "Woodstock Improvisation" tracks on the second disk. Trust.
Reply 15
Thanks for all the advice guys... will try them out... much appreciated :smile:
Reply 16
You might need anti-depressants like prozac etc. They're used to treat anxiety/stress aswell as just obvious depression. Go to your doctor and talk to them about it.

pills bad idea, i know a couple of people who were made to feel suicidal by so-called antidepressants. they can be V Dangerous

I am an 18 year old lad... just finished school and am going to uni in september. But for the last few years I've found it tremendously hard to relax... I always feel uptight, anxious, my head is buzzin.... I really need to find someway to try and help me relax... I was just wondering if anyone else has similiar problems or any ways of overcoming them? help would be much appreciated...


Woah, your symptoms are spookily like what im experiencing at the moment!!

I just can't stop thinking...i constantly think about what others think about me and stuff, and also can't keep worrying about my best friend non-stop...or wondering if he really is my best friend (for some nurotic reason).

Also I sometimes think im never satisifed, never now I have the TV on, im on msn, ive got music on AND on TSR!! just having one of these 'entertainments' is not enough for me anymore, im in need of constant entertainment.

I really wish to escape my thoughts and feelings..but feel that if i don't talk to friends or family for a period of time that theyll drift apart (im very paranoid at the minute) so feel I have to keep involving myself in others problems and issues, which in turn makes me think/worry too much.
Reply 18
I used to feel like this, and my ex was the same until she went on Prozac. I wouldn't recommend pills.

I think part of it is about doing things that relax you - try to go to bed earlier if possible, drink less caffeine, take long baths and read, go for long walks and other things suggested above. The other thing you could consider is a more herbal remedy. Some of those things do relax you. Also, take regular exercise (yoga's good, but anything really) and that will help.

There may be a part of it that's to do with age/hormones etc. Also it may be your environment. Going to uni may change that. Perhaps do something where there's no stress and you make all your own decisions over the summer, like go interrailing alone.

Don't worry, it's quite common. Try and work out exactly what's stressing you, and also try and stop and take pleasure in small things - a decent meal, a sunny day etc. It's amazing what good finding something that makes you smile can do!
Reply 19
your symptoms are like ive had over the past few years except i get a dark feeling like a mixture of anxiety and depression does anyone know what this is?

I say just watch a film when u feel like this though or reading can be good too. Its probably just a phase you'l pass through