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Reply 1
Yes, I used to work for them back when I was at school and they still ran double time Sundays. What would you like to know? The training process is very primary and tedious and you'll want to do anything but it though you get paid.
Reply 2
Hey. I work for Marks and Spencer, and have been for nearly 2 years.

In my interview we were asked a load of questions, like what would you do in this situation? How have you worked as part of a team? To be honest they are pretty easy to make up, and you have to think on your feet.

Then you get taken down on to the shop floor, and I was asked to stop people and ask them why they were in Marks and Spencer today, and what were they planning to buy etc. This is basically showing your customer relations skills. You also have to introduce yourself and your interviewer.

All in all it wasn't too bad, but it may be different for you, I don't know.

Good luck x
Reply 3
I used to work for them back when I was at school and they still ran double time Sundays.

They do time and a half now, but they have raised the hourly rate so I suppose it's alright. To be honest the money is still good in my opinion.
i also applied for Marks and spencers and i also got an interview coming up but the first part was a list of scenarios and answers, then i got called in for an interview. i need tips as well.
Reply 5
rico dan man
i also applied for Marks and spencers and i also got an interview coming up but the first part was a list of scenarios and answers, then i got called in for an interview. i need tips as well.

me 3!!

hmm...someone's obviously desperate for employees...

Did you guys do that silly thing on the internet where you have to pick which of 4 statements is most like you and which least? I found it really hard knowing what to say but can't have been that bad!
Reply 6
They can't give me extra hours, yet they can employ new staff?

Yeah there are loads of stores in the UK, sorry just having a rant.

Okay, what do you want to know? They may have changed the interview process, but I can give you information on training and the general things you will have to do in the job.
Reply 7
There's a thread with a bit of stuff about this here:
Jenn xx
Reply 8
I guess i would like to know some of the questions they asked at the interview so i don't look a total idiot trying to think of answers!!

What was the practical bit like, sounds scary!

I had to do the questions on the net too... failed 1st time so had to wait 6 months to apply again! :biggrin:
Reply 9
I guess i would like to know some of the questions they asked at the interview so i don't look a total idiot trying to think of answers!!

What was the practical bit like, sounds scary!

I had to do the questions on the net too... failed 1st time so had to wait 6 months to apply again! :biggrin:

Just stuff like give some experiences of where you have worked in a team, stuff like that.

The practical bit is fine, just don't approach someone who looks like they're in a rush. Smile and you will be okay.
how did you guys apply for marks and spencers? did you do it online or phone the human resource department?

i've applied online but ill doubt they would reply, or do they?
Reply 11
Good luck with your interview!

I applied to them on the phone and had to do a questionnaire with multiple choice answers, but they said I didn't have the qualities they were looking for from it.
what the hell you got rejected, thats stupid its voer the phone. they was like congratulations to me. but i swear you can just ring up again anyway.

Did you guys do that silly thing on the internet where you have to pick which of 4 statements is most like you and which least? I found it really hard knowing what to say but can't have been that bad!

I just did that now, it was dead difficult, I knew what to say for what I was most like, but I didnt know what to put for the least likely, cos all 4 statements are important to employers. Hope it went ok. After that they said they are processing my results and they wont let me view my application. is that what happened to u?
Good Luck at the interview!
OMG they were immediate, according to them I have no talent, and they found all that out from a stupid questionnaire where I selected I was a good team worker etc...

Vacancy Current Status
Customer Assistant: Application Unsuccessful

Thank you for taking the time to complete our on-line talent screener. Unfortunately your talents do not match those that we are currently looking for. You could re-apply if you are still interested in any similar vacancies with us in 6 months time.
Reply 16
thats exactly what happened to me first time back in november. did it again a couple of weeks ago and got thru. 3 days later i got an email with an interview date and time and a few days after that i got a letter about it. interview is in about 2 weeks
What a weird application system, that's all I can say...
how did you guys apply for marks and spencers? did you do it online or phone the human resource department?

i've applied online but ill doubt they would reply, or do they?

that or by phoning

0845 300 3725 and pressing option one. You'll be asked 12 questions and then transferred to an advisor who will ask you for your details while you wait for the results.
none of my local stores have vacancies, so i have to keep searching on the M and S site, then ring up M and S.