The Student Room Group
i gt to the interview stage lage and got through to be one but couldnt make the training as family were coming down and they really messed me around.

however, its a group interview, i think there were 8 people in our group. and then about 4 interviewers. there were a couple of questions they asked and you basically had to say your piece, you also had to inttroduce yourself. i think the questions were just based on just how important uni is and how you would go about doing things and they might have given me an awquad situation and you would have to say how you would deal with it.
at the end it was also asked if anithing interesting in the news about education has proped up- i had gone on the bbc education pages that week and there was something about cambridge and i just had a view on that- just makes it look like you really care about being an ambassador.
i would make sure you really plan your answers well and try and get in before other people say anithing- because otherwise you will jsut repeat what is being said and then defo have a look on the bbc pages. it is fairly relaxed but they do mates notes on you as you say things so really just go for it :smile:
I know a few people who do the interviews, and they told me that nearly everyone who applies gets in, so I wouldn't stress too much! I'd have applied, but I was just too busy...:frown:
Reply 3
I applied for this last year and got an interview in a couple of weeks out of the blue. Thanks for the tips nikki.
Reply 4
Awesome, well in that case i'm looking forward to it. Also, if i fail to get in them i'm seeing muse the next day so i won't care in the slightest! :P
Awesome, well in that case i'm looking forward to it. Also, if i fail to get in them i'm seeing muse the next day so i won't care in the slightest! :P

Muse = Win

Where are you seeing them? I'm going back to Birmingham, thank god for reading week meaning no lectures the next morning.
Reply 6
Oh me too... crazy days. I don't have reading week but i'm feeling that 3 hours of lectures can be missed so i'll go back on tuesday morning and come to soton on wednesday night. Win!