The Student Room Group

I feel so wretched!

Ok so basically what happened was my boyfriend who has always had wierd premonitions that end up true and stuff told me on Thursday night that i would cheat on him at my summer ball which he wasn't coming to, I laughed at him and promised i wouldn' can guess what happened... I did. I don't even know why, but it just sort of happened i was very drunk as were most people and it was just a few kisses but i felt awful. Then to make everything worse before i got a chance to tell him like i'd planned to he told me he knew and that it was ok and he'd forgiven me, so then a few nights later i thought i'd have a go at explaining exactly what did happen in case whoever told him had got something wrong or whatever. It turned out that he didn't know and now h is really upset and feels used. I know i would too but it just makes me feel even worse that he sort of lied to me. What do i do? He said he doesn't wanna break up with me and i don't wanna lose him.
Reply 1
just don't expect things to go straight back to normal after something like this... you will both need time to heal and think about whether you really do want to stick this relationship out. Infidelities are quite often a symptom of some other problem with the relationship...
Reply 2
His "premonitions" are almost certainly coincidental and/or have some other ratioal explanation. - If you think otherwise then please take this to a labortory, it's always nice to have a British lauriate.

You note that both you and him would like to stay together. - I know you probarly don't want to hear this but losing someone's trust is one of the worst things you can do. - But, "where there's a will there's a way" start by showing him how sorry you are and that you still love him. You could also just ask him how you could make it up to him. best wishes
Thanks. I have said sorry so many times, I have asked him what i can do to make it up to him and he says there is nothing or i have to think of something myself. I desperate for ideas. What would you do?
just don't expect things to go straight back to normal after something like this... you will both need time to heal and think about whether you really do want to stick this relationship out. Infidelities are quite often a symptom of some other problem with the relationship...

totally agree :biggrin:
Reply 5
hmm if i did that to my boyfriend id have to not care about him very much....thats just me tho and a drunken kiss is a drunken kiss- doesnt really mean much does it!!

if i were you id just plan a nice nite for the two of you maybe going out somewere or staying in with all his fave things to make it upto him :biggrin: