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The UEA offers thread!

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How you find out. I'm expected and need AAA for my course, but if they lower the grades after the open day, how do you know? Does it go on UCAS track?

ye the ucas track gets updated
Reply 181
they lower every1s offer when you go to open day mine got lowered 2 days later
Do you know if it would have to be after they have given you an offer, as ive been to an open day, and a visit/tour on a diff day, before i applied? 3 hr trek :frown:

Also, bit of a long shot but, do you know if this is all offers or just A level offers only, as im studying a diff course? Sorry for all the questions but this could help a lot.:biggrin:
They lower offers? Mine's AAB for Lit & CW... I don't think they're going to go much lower than that, surely? :s-smilie:
Reply 183
The lowering of offers being discussed in this thread is ONLY RELEVANT TO PHARMACY.
Lowering of pharmacy offers is near guaranteed upon attending the open day and an informal interview with a member of staff, the typical offer is dropped from ABB to BBB.

Reply 184
Got an offer for Science with Foundation year on friday night. I'll be turning 30 at the start of term.

Now have to decide between UEA and Newcastle.
Well hey there. I put off signing up until I got all my replies, and today I got my conditional for Eng Lit & Creaive Writing from UEA. 99% sure it'll be my firm choice. :smile:
Reply 186
Congratulations Slinky, I'll see you there :smile:
Reply 187
I thought I'd posted here but I haven't, I have an offer from UEA to study Speech and Language Therapy, if I definitely decide to go this year (which is looking more and more likely) it will be my firm! :smile:
Reply 188
I thought I'd posted here but I haven't, I have an offer from UEA to study Speech and Language Therapy, if I definitely decide to go this year (which is looking more and more likely) it will be my firm! :smile:

Go go go! :tongue: What might be stopping you? I've stalled for years and years.
Reply 189
Go go go! :tongue: What might be stopping you? I've stalled for years and years.

So have I really, only because I could never come up with anything that I really really wanted to do. What's stalling me is all written down in a thread in the mature students forum :p: To put it in short terms, I'm currently working as a speech therapy assistant and have only just started and they don't know that I've applied to university and got a place, so I'm a bit worried about ditching after only 6 months!

However, knowing how long it's taken me to get to this point (4/5 years? Something like that) and I withdrew my original application when at college, and then started doing another ucas application the year after and changed my mind (both of these applications were for different subjects but not too different actually, the first was for English Language and Linguistics with the idea of speech therapy at the back of my mind, the second was for teaching and I would still consider working in a school as a speech therapist, it's a bonus because I'd get to work with the kids one-to-one :biggrin:), I'm thinking that maybe I should go this time before I talk myself out of it again!
Offer for Medicine! Probably will be firming :smile:
Reply 191
How did you get such a low offer? Are your predicted grades really low?

Hello! I haven't been on here lately so sorry for the late reply. :smile:

My predicted grades are BCC (quite low) although I just got my january exam results and they'd probably be higher now. I do not know why I got an offer for BBC but I'm glad I did. I also got an offer of BBB for Nottingham University which surprised me! :smile: Going there wednesday for the open day. I think I can get BBB but will have to wait and see =].

Still have to decide between 4 universities - Lincoln, Portsmouth, UEA and Nottingham. I might firm Nottingham and UEA as insurance.
Hello! I haven't been on here lately so sorry for the late reply. :smile:

My predicted grades are BCC (quite low) although I just got my january exam results and they'd probably be higher now. I do not know why I got an offer for BBC but I'm glad I did. I also got an offer of BBB for Nottingham University which surprised me! :smile: Going there wednesday for the open day. I think I can get BBB but will have to wait and see =].

Still have to decide between 4 universities - Lincoln, Portsmouth, UEA and Nottingham. I might firm Nottingham and UEA as insurance.

Ah that explains it then, because mine are AAB. In the end I decided to decline UEA.
Reply 193
Indeed. My first year doing A-Levels wasn't the greatest for varied reasons and therefore my predicted grades suffered. It's nice to know that the universities looked beyond that because at the moment they'd certainly be higher. I suppose I was lucky but in the end what matters are the grades I achieve. I'm hoping BBB which would allow me to study at Nottingham University, if not then the UEA sounds a reasonable insurance option - out of the other two of course.

Where are you going?
conditional for BIOMEDICINE [BBB Bio,Chem, Spanish] !! :afro: And I have a guaranteed place in GradMed A101 if I finish biomed with a 2.1 or higher degree AND a GOOD interview which is awesome :awesome:

I am from mother Russia :russia:
Thankyou, ive not visited either uni yet, the only 2 i didnt visit are the ones im getting offers off! typical. So im hoping il prefer one over the other on the open days. Good luck to you aswell, some of my friends have only just sent theirs off and have already recieved offers within 5 days so its certainly not too late!

Did you get your offer then drfc-matt?
Heyy I have a Politics BBC offer which I'm going to firm.
I saw a load of others doing politics or related subjects, but i haven't managed to quote them all so i made a thread if peeps want to chat on there, I think it would be really usefully to hear everyone's opinions :smile:
Reply 197
Did you get your offer then drfc-matt?

yeah i got an offer of ABB although ive since declined it.
woo got an offeR of ABB for environmental science
Reply 199
Condition Offer from computer science as long as I get Distinction Distinction Distinction for my BTEC ;D Woooo

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