The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Why lie? Jus admit it..
Plucking... or waxing...
Reply 3
Why lie? Jus admit it..

u got me... :biggrin:
Reply 4
post a pic! lol
Reply 5
first no camera aj....its not big or netin...faint very faint..
Reply 6
mackin boi
first no camera aj....its not big or netin...faint very faint..

lol, as someone allready suggested just tweeze the offending hair-because with regards to waxing it-it would be obvious u hve waxed! :p:
Reply 7
hahah...may b
Reply 8
mackin boi
hahah...may b

y not lol?
Reply 9
na i mean i dnt wna try waxin..i dnt want it gone that badly...any pain free options...its not a mate of life or death...
Reply 10
mackin boi
na i mean i dnt wna try waxin..i dnt want it gone that badly...any pain free options...its not a mate of life or death...

hm painn free....... twaezing is pain free as compared to waxing :p:

or u could try threading!-ouch!
Reply 11
wats that?...
Reply 12
mackin boi
wats that?...

google-quite simple really - just a thread! :p:
I have a friend who has a monobrow too. But he doesn't seem to want to do anything about it. Says that it brings him luck, fortune and the likes.
I occasionally get a builup of conneceting hair but I do tweeze them periodically. its easy as anything to do and theres no pain to it.
Reply 15
monobrow? Would that mean that it's the same as a unibrow?? :confused:
ha ha so obvious!!! 'my brother.....' watever. get the tweezers out!!! waxing would look too obvious on a bloke i think plus they cant stand the pain hee hee joke! nothing wrong with sortin your monobrow out!!! go for it
Reply 17
just get a pair of tweezers for god's sake
Reply 18
monobrow? Would that mean that it's the same as a unibrow?? :confused:

never heard the term unibrow... :p:
Reply 19
its the same dont hide it its a sign of being senial i have one and im not mad but thats what the voices tell me any how

be proud of your one eyebrowness

stand elite stand tall stand looking like a bear no one cares