The Student Room Group

Geography at Bristol?

I have applied to study Geography at Bristol as one of my top choices, well it has the highest entry requirements.
Do i have any chance of getting an offer with my grades so far and my predicted grades?

GCSE 2a*, 5a's, 1b and 1c.

AS--- Geog A, Maths A, History B and Biology C

Predicted Grades--- Geog A*, Maths A, History A

I also have quite a strong personal statement.
Reply 1

Ive applied to Bristol as well :smile: Bsc Geography...

Im only doing 3 A levels and my AS results were:
geo A
business B

Your right in saying that the entry requirements are high...but I think they only ask for ABB minimum (but I cant remember exactly)...even so they get something like 16 applicants per place....aaaaa:eek:

...Its been somthing like 3 weeks since I sent off my application- Ive only got one offer so far- from southampton (AAB), also got an unnsuccessful offer from UCL (because I didnt have that extra AS they were asking for..oops:smile:)...still waiting on durham too

....but anyway, from what youve said I think if they dnt make you an offer then I've got no chance:biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 2

I'm a 2nd year geographer in Bristol. I was offered ABB but predicted straight As, and most people I know here got AAA or AAB even if they were offered lower.

So I think it just depends. With your grades you do both have a shot, so good luck!!!

Also, they are really into maths here. So if your GCSE math grade was high you have more of a chance. If you really really hate maths maybe you should reconsider your 1st choice...

Any questions feel free to ask me!!!
Reply 3

I'm a 2nd year geographer in Bristol. I was offered ABB but predicted straight As, and most people I know here got AAA or AAB even if they were offered lower.

So I think it just depends. With your grades you do both have a shot, so good luck!!!

Also, they are really into maths here. So if your GCSE math grade was high you have more of a chance. If you really really hate maths maybe you should reconsider your 1st choice...

Any questions feel free to ask me!!!

Oh well that's demoralised me.

I only got AA at GCSE maths, but I'm doing it for A level and am on target for an A and predicted an A*. Will the GCSE be detrimental? Also only got 5A*s, I'm not sure how great that is compared to the rest of the applicants.
Reply 4
No, that's good! As at GCSE are fine, not everone has an A*!! If it was lower than a B or so I'd be worried though!!
You sound like you're fine on that front, sorry I worried you.
Reply 5
No, that's good! As at GCSE are fine, not everone has an A*!! If it was lower than a B or so I'd be worried though!!
You sound like you're fine on that front, sorry I worried you.

Hi, i got 3 A*'s % A's and 3 B's (with B in Maths and Statistics) Is that going to be a problem in getting an offer? I am also predicted A*A*A with the two A* predictions in Geography and Business and the other A in politics. ( i got AAAE at AS level as well) Would i stand a good chance of an offer fo you think? Thanks
Reply 6

I'm a 2nd year geographer in Bristol. I was offered ABB but predicted straight As, and most people I know here got AAA or AAB even if they were offered lower.

So I think it just depends. With your grades you do both have a shot, so good luck!!!

Also, they are really into maths here. So if your GCSE math grade was high you have more of a chance. If you really really hate maths maybe you should reconsider your 1st choice...

Any questions feel free to ask me!!!

Sounds good.... How long do u reckon it'll take for them to make a
Reply 7
Hi, I really like the Bristol Geogger course!
Here is what I applying with, have I got a good chance?

GCSE: 7 a*, 5 a (a* in maths, geog, all science, english ect...)

AS LEVEL: a a b b (that is a b in geog ((i know, it should be an a!)))

PREDICTED: a a a a

On my UCAS form I have specified the fact I am retaking my Geog AS exams to achieve an A. Also my geog tutor has said in his reference that I am a pure A-grade student.

Do you think this will surfice for an offer perchance?

Thanks, you'll be a great help.

Reply 8
I think Bristol was one of my last offers... So it's just a waiting game I guess. Although it still wasn't really late, I applied Ocotber and got an offer by December I think.

I don't know exactly who the give offers to though. I can't promise about this!!! And you all sound like really good candidates, so hopefully it'll all work out for all of you.

I mean, I can't tell you whether you'll get an offer. I can help more if you want to know about the course or something? or Bristol geography or Bristol in general.
Sounds good.... How long do u reckon it'll take for them to make a

Bristol has some random system of giving out offers so they do it in blocks, depending on which course and what time of year, or so I have been told. I got my offer in early december, having applied in oct, though i have friends who got offers in january.