well i hope i am i cant afford to be off the point lol, i need that A!!
Ok heres my actual plan!
Cell biology starch an effective storage molecule (branched) so can be hydrolysed easily to be broken down into glucose for respiration. Enzymes hydrolyse the larger molecules into smaller ones by adding molecules of water.
Rhodopsin resynthesised through hydrolysis of ATP - energy released allows trans-retinal and opsin to combine into rhodopsin.
Biochemistry By using condensation reaction, can build many different macromolecules that have different properties. Different bonds in proteins enable functional shape of protein to be maintained.
Physiology hydrolysis of ATP provides energy for myosin head to change and therefore allows power stroke - so muscle can contract. Glucose levels can be made constant in the blood through hydrolysis of glycogen or condensation of glucose molecules. Important because glucose levels need to be kept constant so as to avoid cellular disruption by water potential.
Genes and genetics DNA polymerase joins up nucleotides via condensation so that DNA replication and therefore growth of new cells can occur.
Ecology in photosynthesis condensation of ADP and Pi allows formation of ATP. So allows the start of the energy transfer between trophic levels.
Recycling of nutrients can be enabled due to bacteria breaking down molecules into smaller ones via hydrolysis. This allows continuation of life.